5 Messages
Feature of the MLB app not working on Xumo/Shady Xfinity support tactics
I am dissatisfied with Xfinity‘s support services. I had to call and chat support numerous times to receive help on a technical issue I was having. The issue persist, and it has been over 10 days of trying to contact Xfinity to remedy this situation. I have been tossed around to countless associates at all tiers of Xfinity ranging from the chat support to the advanced technical center to the national level. I was also in touch with a technician who came to my apartment at the behest of the advanced technical center. I was assured multiple times that the advanced technical center was the team that could help me with my issue, but they told me that on Friday of last week too. So when I contact them today, Sunday of the following week, they assured me the same thing that they could help me? I am dumbfounded by the lack of initiative taken and the abysmal communication on behalf of Xfinity to resolve a technical issue within the MLB app. They insisted that the fault was with Major League Baseball. However the service works on my computer and mobile app so MLB assured me that the fault was with Xfinity. The worst part about my experience with Xfinity was the lack of followthrough with promises that they made. I was told on Thursday of this week that I would receive a call within 24 hours from the national team. After that window had closed without any phone call, I chatted the support team who checked on my ticket number and said that I would receive a phone call within a few hours. Two days later it is Sunday and I never received any call from Xfinity. I chat support again and I give them my ticket number and I say I never received the call that I was promised from national. They assure me that they will connect me with the team to help me with my issue. Thankfully, they did call, but it was with the advanced technical team that I and the Xfinity technician had spoken to several times before. The same associate that I have now spoken to three times tried once again again to walk me through standard troubleshooting procedure. She also told me that my issue was with frequencies and that a technician would need to report to my apartment. Flabbergasted I let her know that she was the one who had scheduled my initial technician to come to my apartment this past Thursday and he detected no issues with the equipment and we agreed that the issue was with the app itself. I have never worked with a company who cared less about the actual problem. I don’t understand why my problem was cast aside so many times despite my vigilance and pleading to please fix this issue for a service that I paid for. When the advance technical team called me today, they asked me for a phone number in case our call got disconnected and I provided them with my cell phone number that I was calling them from. I couldn’t believe my ears when the woman on the phone told me that she concluded that my issue was due to blackouts and it was a location based issue. My issue did not have to do with blackouts. This is a nationally available television channel and blackouts are only a factor in local markets. I was not trying to watch the baseball game of my local team, the Philadelphia Phillies. I purchased this package to watch the out of market Boston Red Sox and watch the MLB Network. Xfinity drags me along for 10 days and then on this call pretended that they could no longer here my phone audio, conveniently when the woman concluded that blackouts must be the problem. I tried everything I could to get her to hear me, but she ended our phone call, claiming to not be able to hear me. Now, I’m not sure if this was a ruse to get me off the phone and to get me to stop seeking support on an issue that I continue to have. It is surely possible that she did not hear my audio anymore (after 45 minutes with no issues) but I checked to make sure that I had not accidentally muted myself and I did not. However, she did not follow the procedure that was presented at the beginning of the phone call that she would call me back at the number that I provided her if our phone call had lost connection. This leads me to believe that this was a stunt pulled by the associate to move on with her day without solving my problem. I am beyond words with how my technical case has been handled by Xfinity. I have been an Xfinity customer for four years now and I have had great experiences when I was having Internet issues and the Internet team has been wonderful to work with and very fair in terms of compensation for my trouble. I have read the terms of service for both MLB.TV and for Xfinity Xumo apps, and I have found no mention of broadcasting rights or exclusivity or anything that would prevent me from being able to enjoy the MLB network that is included in my MLB.TV package. I don’t think that Xfinity even understands what is expected of them by hosting this app on their Xumo box because it took 10 days for somebody to tell me that this was the issue. Don’t you think that would be the first thing they would check is if MLB Network conflicted with their current contract with MLB and Xfinity? Why did it take 10 days for somebody to tell me this? For this reason and countless others I am aghast at how I have been treated by Xfinity during this process. As I said previously, I have only had good experiences with Xfinity support team until this instance. I hope that as I finish out this current contract with Xfinity that everything works fine because it has been proven to me that I cannot trust Xfinity, the largest entertainment company in the country, to resolve a simple technical bug and update an app. In the streaming age, it is beyond my comprehension why Xfinity would put a customer through this level of support shenanigans. There are so many other streaming boxes outside of the Xfinity ecosystem that can complete the services that I require with ease because that is their main area of expertise. Xfinity should think twice before providing a Xumo box free to Internet customers that does not deliver the simplest of streaming content. They have a lot of nerve to tell me that because I didn’t purchase MLB TV through Xfinity, I can’t access ONE feature within this app. All of my other applications, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max, and other paid services that I have contracted outside of Xfinity work perfectly fine, and even live programming will work. EXCEPT with the MLB Network on the MLB Xumo app. I implore you to tell me why I cannot access the MLB Network despite it being part of my MLB TV package.
4.2K Messages
7 months ago
Hello, @user_b440b1! Thanks for reaching out to us on the forums! I apologize to hear of the issues you are having on the MLB app on the Xumo and appreciate your feedback! Can you let us know more about the issue you are running into when trying to use this app? Are you getting error messages? Does it not load? Are you trying to watch a game and it is blacked out? Have you tried to uninstall the app and reinstall it?
5 Messages
7 months ago
Everyone, you are better off using the Xfinity Assistant. I thought the folks here might be a better way to skip the line to get an update on my case, but it's been 3 hours and they haven't even confirmed my verification code.