If an employee doesn't reply to your message here, Comcast Security Assurance should be able to help. You can reach them at 1-888-565-4329 (from https://internetsecurity.xfinity.com/help/report-abuse/). Note that this is NOT one of the general customer service numbers.
The first-line reps there are sometimes not very helpful, so you may need to be persistent and keep at them until you get a satisfactory answer.
Gold Problem Solver
26.2K Messages
3 years ago
If an employee doesn't reply to your message here, Comcast Security Assurance should be able to help. You can reach them at 1-888-565-4329 (from https://internetsecurity.xfinity.com/help/report-abuse/). Note that this is NOT one of the general customer service numbers.
The first-line reps there are sometimes not very helpful, so you may need to be persistent and keep at them until you get a satisfactory answer.