Monday, August 19th, 2024 9:54 PM

unblocking downloads

I am attempting to download photos attached to emails and I keep getting "Blocked" message.



30.9K Messages

1 month ago


I am attempting to download photos attached to emails and I keep getting "Blocked" message.

What is the exact error you are getting?

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

29 days ago

Hey @user_scvaaz, Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Forums Community support page. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience regarding the picture and downloads issue. I would be more than happy to offer my assistance looking into this further for you.


Are you using our Xfinity Email service web portal? If so, a few things would request looking up would be the file name of the image. In an ongoing effort to ensure the security of our customers and in keeping with industry best practices, we’ve enabled email filters for file types that have been known to carry viruses. These filters help to stop the automated transmission of virus carrying email messages without your knowledge.


The extensions are as followed: .vbs, .pif, .scr, .bat, .com, .cmd, .msi, .reg, .exe, and .wsf. 


If the image file appears to be a valid image file. (IE .jpg, .png. gif or more), could you verify that your email browser does not have a pop-up blocker or download file blocker enabled? Depending on the web browser, there may be a download block or pop-up blocker that needs to be enabled. 


Could you please check these few things and let us know of any updates? We hope to hear from you soon.

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