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7 Messages
Secondary accounts need password updates but don't show up in the primary
I have 2 secondary email accounts that I access via the Thunderbird client.
They are no longer accessible that way.
If I try to login direct from the site it says that I need to update the password.
Clicking on the link takes me to this message:
Connect to your home WiFi to reset your password
You'll need to connect to your home WiFi, then navigate to to complete a password reset.
I am on my home WiFi so this is not helpful.
When I logon to the primary account to reset the passwords from there, no secondary accounts show up in the Accounts and Identity section
How do I get the accounts back?
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
22 days ago
Thank you for connecting with us here in our community, @zendrummer. We are happy to assist with your secondary email accounts. Have you been regularly logging into your secondary accounts? Are you confident you are logging into the Primary Xfinity ID when logging into
31.1K Messages
13 days ago
You probably need to get with our Customer Security Assurance team to help you with this. They may or may not be able to recover your secondary accounts.
Customer Security Assurance
Business Hours: 8:00am - 12:00am EST, 7 days a week
Contact: 1-888-565-4329