

1 Message

Thursday, March 16th, 2023 5:09 PM


reporting Xfinity spam

Received an email from "Xfinity" saying that my payment (credit card) was rejected.

I was to CLICK on the link provided and update my Xfinity payment info.

Please provide a method to send this spam email to your Fraud Dept.

I have searched all around the Xfinity website but couldn't find where I could do this.

Thank you!

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

2 years ago

... ​Please provide a method to send this spam email to your Fraud Dept.​ ...

To report a scam email to Comcast, follow the "Report Spam and Phishing Emails" link on https://internetsecurity.xfinity.com/ and scroll down to the "Report Phishing Emails" section.

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Official Employee


2.4K Messages

2 years ago

Hi there! When reporting spam emails, it is critical that you send us the email headers. Please do not forward the spam email. Forwarding the email will remove the original headers.

Report a spam email sent to your Comcast.net email account

Webmail Users

  1. Select the message you wish to report as spam.
  2. Click the "Spam" button in the right-hand corner of the webmail console.

Email Client Users (Windows Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)

  1. Select the message you wish to report as spam.
  2. Forward the spam message as an attachment to missed-spam@comcast.net.

Report spam email sent from within the Comcast Network

Once you have copied the full message headers from the spam message, paste the header and message into an email and send it to abuse@comcast.net.

How to unblock an email address

If an email is unable to be delivered to a Comcast.net email address, it's possible the sender's email provider is blocking your address as an antispam precaution for Xfinity customers.

The sender should receive an error message containing a link to a FAQ with valuable information regarding the issue and steps necessary to request removal.

Email administrators can submit the blocked IP address to the Security Assurance department to determine if the IP address is eligible for removal by completing the Blocked Provider Request Form. Requests submitted through this form are reviewed on a 24x7 basis.

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