1 Message
opened emails in-box disappearing.
I am having issues with opened emails in my in-box disappearing. They are not in my trash or spam folders. They are just gone. no trance of them. Anyone having the same issue?
Doesn't matter what the email is, once it has been open for a couple of mins, the email just deletes from my in-box.
My drive usage is @ 33%. I have been deleting old emails, getting the storage down with hopes this helps the problem, but no luck as of yet.
Thanks and Stay safe,
Steve O
Official Employee
2.4K Messages
23 days ago
Possible Causes & Solutions:
Check for Filters or Auto-Forwarding Rules
Check for Third-Party Email Access
Test in Another Browser or Device
Clear Cache & Cookies
Check for Security Issues
If none of these steps help, let us know so we can look into this further.