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Monday, April 3rd, 2023 11:24 PM


Need help getting my spam filtering to work like it used to

I have had my Comcast email from the day it was switched over from erols email- yes, that long!  About the fall of 2022, the spam filtering for my account seemingly stopped working.  I pick up my email through thunderbird on my laptop and apple mail on my ipad.  Every day I have spam in my inbox and genuine messages in my spam folder.  Every day, I log into my xfinity email at and tag emails as spam or not spam.  The spam filter does not seem to be learning from this.  I don't know what happened to my account last fall that started this.  Can anyone help?

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2 years ago

Hey there, @carolene500, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums! We would be happy to help with your spam filter. Have you gone into your setting in your email and clicked on the advanced settings and ensured the Automatically move spam and potentially harmful messages to the Spam folder option are selected? Here is a link with more details,

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@XfinityJeniece​ Yes, I have done that.

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I would be happy to follow up with you in a few days as well to make sure that we get this issue resolved for you. I definitely know how annoying spam emails can be, and we are here to help! Talk to you very soon! 

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2 years ago

Thanks for confirming! Have you tried turning that setting off and then back on to see if that helps with the settings? 

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@XfinityJeniece​ I will try that and let you know in a few days how it's going.  Thank you.

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Hi, @carolene500. I hope you are doing well, and that your weekend has been off to a great start. How has everything been on your end? Have you seen any changes or improvements?

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No, unfortunately I haven’t seen any improvement. Is there something else I can do?

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Thanks for the update, @carolene500. I have some more questions so we can get to the root cause of the problem. Are you seeing this issue affect certain email senders or does it seem to be across most/all senders? When you set up the spam filter did you select the option Automatically move spam and potentially harmful messages to the Spam folder?

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I get 2-4 spam messages in my inbox each day.  Usually, they are very obviously spam based on the foreign/special characters, misspellings, etc.  I also get a few genuine messages from friends/reputable businesses put into spam instead of my inbox.

Yes, I have selected the option Automatically move spam and potentially harmful messages to the spam folder.   That does work when I identify spam messages, they are immediately moved to the spam folder.



1 Message

2 years ago

I have the exact same problem or receiving spam in my inbox with the advanced settings set to remove spam but nothing works. I've got other email accounts and spam filtering works like clockwork for them. It appears comcast or xfinity isn't able to filter spam which I would have thought would be a pretty straight forward process. Very annoying.

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Hey there @doornut , thanks so much for taking the time to reach us here via Forums with these concerns regarding Spam emails.  In addition to toggling the automatic Move Spam in Advanced Settings, have we also tried setting up the Email Safe List as well? This will only allow emails that are designated in the Safe List to come through, ensuring that you're only getting emails from those you know and trust. 


Set Email Filters or Spam Filters – Xfinity Email Help



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