

5 Messages

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022 9:04 PM


Just how many had their xfinity e-mail hacked yesterday?

I had my xfinity e-mail hacked twice in the last 24 hours. A hacker was twice able to set up an additional e-mail on my xfinity account using a temporary yopmail account. (Yopmail is a French e-mail provider that lets people set up temporary e-mail addresses without providing any information. It is perfect for hackers to use when stealing Xfinity accounts.) Today I called Xfinity shortly after 9 am (CST) and set a callback with the security department. They said it would be 1.5 to 2 hours. After more than 4 hours I called back and spoke to someone in billing who told me that the callback time for the security department was 4-6 hours. They however did me a favor and got me into a faster queue.

After a few minutes I spoke to someone in the alleged "security" department. She was not helpful. After I explained my situation and asked her to fix it she indicated that she would forward this to a higher department for review and I would receive a callback in 72 hours. When I demanded to have the issue resolved immediately she informed me that she was dealing with dozens of other calls where a hacker had used a yopmail account to steal someone's xfinity e-mail account. She was even unwilling to remove the yopmail e-mail address that had been set up on my xfinity account to change my password. She said that she was not authorized to remove the fraudulent e-mail and that a higher department would have to do that. She said it would be three days before they could respond. She said since I have two step verification that I would be able to see whenever a hacker changed my password and I could just change it back.

So xfinity's response to someone stealing my e-mail account twice in 4 hours, was to tell me to engage in a struggle with the hackers to keep changing my password back every time after they changed it. If you have two step verification you can battle the hackers and hope they give up. If you don't your pretty much toast. One thing is for sure. You are not getting any help from xfinity.

Update: I spoke to a second person in the xfinity security department that told me not to worry about the fraudulent yopmail account on my xfinity account and indicated that this had happened with many xfinity accounts. She indicated that xfinity is still working to find the source of the hack. Apparently this this is a much more widespread issue than is being reported. It does not seem that xfinity e-mail is secure at this time.

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

2 years ago

Are you locked out of the primary account currently?  You can remove the account from the "your profile" page.  Also, after changing the password, log into email with a web browser, hit the gear icon on the top left and look at settings.  Make sure you aren't forwarding email (left side tab after you hit settings).

If it changes back again, you got other issues.  Get an ubuntu boot DVD, boot a clean OS, create a drop email account on gmail or protonmail, and unlink every account you have tied to your Xfinity account.   You might consider going scorched earth anyway, especially if you used the same password somewhere else or frequently.




5 Messages


I am not currently locked out, but was twice yesterday. If you check out the xfinity board at Reddit it is very apparent that this has happened to many people including those who claim to work in the internet security business and run clean machines. The opinion seems to be that there was some sort of major breach at xfinity and their e-mail system is currently not at all secure. I am also confident it is not my machine. I will be setting up my machine with a password manager tonight. I have been with Comcast/Xfinity since it was Roadrunner, probably more than 20 years, but this might be it for me. Their TV and internet service are great, but the security and customer service is complete trash.

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

@user_fdf6e0​ Ok.  Got ya.  Thanks!

One of the major reasons why I don't like 3rd party email.  Like control of my own ones and zeros plus the hardware.  Feel sorry for their gateway owners too.

Email.  It's in the cloud!  Is it secure?  Sure!  It's in the cloud!

(eye roll)



3 Messages

2 years ago

Thanks for posting here. I had the same thing happen to my account today (12/20). My personal email was in the process of being switch over to a yopmail account and my password had been changed. I called comcast twice looking for how this happened since I have 2FA on both my comcast and secondary email. The answers I received each time were unsatisfactory. This now makes sense to me that xfinity was hacked. I really wish they would have admitted the issue instead of trying to say it was something on my end.  Side note - you can log into the yopmail account since yopmail does not use passwords. I logged in to the fake one on my account and the xfinity email was sitting right there. Thanks again for the information! 



5 Messages


Thanks for the tip. I was able to get into the unverified yopmail account that xfinity assures me is not a risk to my account and of course there was the xfinity verification e-mail. I was able to delete it thanks.



30 Messages

2 years ago

Consider me wary of their explanation, since I've had my email password (and some other information) changed more than several times already this year. And, yes, I noticed the hijack this morning (12/20) that occurred late last night. This time they changed the email password and my second email. But they didn't verify the second email this time. However, it keeps asking me to verify it, and I can't delete it. So, off to "support" I go...



6 Messages

2 years ago

Yes, also twice.   Somehow i found the security team’s assurances somewhat NOT reassuring, especially since there was a whole bunch of others impacted.

New Poster


4 Messages

2 years ago

Twice for me in the past 24 hours. Xfinity better fix this [Edited: Language]!


Official Employee


1.6K Messages

Hey @Backwater83,

We would be more than happy to help review the account information. What specific issues are you currently experiencing with your Xfinity ID? 

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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2 Messages

just delete all of the YOPMAIL accounts added yesterday 

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

2 years ago

Confirmed.  It's a data leak.  I've got service in 3 states.  I don't use the xfinity account, but my primary account just got login fails using the primary account username I setup with Xfinity.  Nobody knows that one.  Yeah.  I run the mail server they are attempting to breach.  It's not just Xfinity, this is a big one that covers Spectrum too.

Not impressed.  They're leaking at least billing information and email addresses.  Your passwords?  Meh, if they are really muppets they lost those too, but I can't confirm that.  None of my accounts use the same password, and hopefully, they got at least someone working for them that set that up correctly.

Everyone on Xfinity, Charter, Spectrum, should immediately change their passwords and unlink any account you have with them.




19 Messages

2 years ago

I did as well. Comcast has obviously been breached.



30 Messages

2 years ago

Called support. They couldn't "see" the fake email that was posted but not verified. I was told that they are working on it, and it will be fixed on their end. Apparently, about 40,000+ customers are effected by this. Was also told not to verify the fake email address--no, really.

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

@Lord_Basil​ Cause Removing a fraud email account is a problem?

Every modem/gateway vendor has reported at least one problem to CISA over the past year.  Who didn't?  Technicolor.  Here.  Have a buggy app to control it with your phone (the least secure device you own).

Those guys must be really good with "Security".  Ummm hmmm




1 Message

2 years ago

Same thing happened to me twice yesterday and now twice again today....Every time it is the same burner email address, my name @yopmail.com. You can actually go to yopmail, enter in the email and get into the inbox without a password. Saw the verification email sitting in the inbox...I have a randomly generated 16-digit password as well as the two-factor and author app. I'd like to know how they are adding these email addresses without logging into the account??? My login history only shows my logins, all with the same IP (mine). Seems to me there is an unsecured API


Not applicable


7 Messages

2 years ago

Yeah, this has happened to me once in early November and at least a couple times in the last 48 hours.  Bad actors are completely bypassing Comcast's 2FA "protections."  I've had several news agencies reach out to me to get more information.  Very hopeful that there is a big story on this soon since Comcast isn't telling us anything.  sigh... Have been with Comcast since they weren't even Comcast (back in the AT&T days).  Probably overstayed my welcome.  :-/ 

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

Hi @tempered_glas, Thanks for bringing your login concerns to our attention. You've reached the right place for help with your email account. I would like to confirm that you have changed your password twice in the last forty-eight hours and there's an email address in your account that you do not recognize is that correct? 

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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Not applicable


7 Messages

Yes, this was correct.  I recovered my account on 11/8, 12/19, and again on 12/20.  Changed password each time to unique, 64-character password, and re-enabled 2FA after the bad actors disabled it and changed it to yopmail.  This all is undone by them sometimes in days and sometimes within minutes/hours.  

the only “workaround” to stop this from happening is to have support change your email account to a different name.  So basically you need to lose access to your account in order for the bad actors to also lose access.  Not a great solution and one I had to come up with in my own.  CSA team still doesn’t know how to fix this and the “hole/breach” appears to still be impacting many customers.



2 Messages

2 years ago

yep me too. new YOPMAIL added.  I had a 20 character password. maybe this was another $Lapsus hack.

Problem Solver


1.5K Messages

2 years ago

Data leak has been going on since at least Oct 27 20:39:25 according to my analysis.  Origin of the first person attempting to use a login nobody else in the world has ever used before, including me, came from and IP address in India.  Xfinity was the ONLY source with this particular made up username.  The source IP used by person/device could have been hacked themselves, and are completely unaware they are doing it -- now they are just compromised botnet traffic. 


route:          103(dot)85(dot)204(dot)0(slash)24
descr:          Intraworld Entertainments Private Limited

(whoever had the dot 98 address on that subnet at the time)

The attempt itself appears to be an automated preloaded dictionary type attack.  Script kids plug in username and passwords gleaned from breaches into one of several utilities, and attempt to gain access using a list they purchased.  Your data is for sale worldwide now, and is currently being distributed in the wild.

Whatever email account you used to order Xfinity service, or whatever email account currently listed as primary in your account details could be hit.  Check that email address/account out, and make sure you aren't using your Xfinity password as the password for that account (or any other), or use ANY xfinity account for a password recovery for another site.  That's really the information they are after.

Thanks Xfinity.




6 Messages

2 years ago

At what point will XFINITY do the right thing and make a statement about this incident?  The loss of trust is palpable.



19 Messages

@Paddymcgrath​  They are handling this badly. I have already switched all of my email to proton mail which is great by the way. Its free and they even give you the ability to create temp addresses for sites that you might not 100% trust. Years ago my CC number kept getting stolen and I found out through my credit monitoring that my Comcast account log in and pw were out on the dark web. It was old info but that is where they kept getting my CC number from. I don't store my CC info on any site any longer and my problems with that at least have stopped. Unfortunately, I can't ditch Comcast as they have the only high speed internet in my area. I am not dropping to DSL- I just can't do it.

Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages

2 years ago

So yesterday I noticed emails not getting into my Inbox. Had no notices of any new email set up but did notice this log in yesterday. I changed password today and so far it works.

But I set up another email and am setting that up for a primary contact method. I am not surprised by Comcast's lack of response on this issue. Been like this to long for lack of support from Comcast.

They closed our local office for good during Covid. Before that they had people drive down from the larger metro area for staff. So the lack of any responses is not unexpected.

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1 Message

2 years ago

I could not change my login credentials today. Able to get into my email, but could not access account security. 
called Xfinity. Got “additional services” operator who transferred me to someone to walk through resetting my password. Confirmed my phone number by forwarding me a code by text.
Then usual protocol I thought. 
Options for security code to access reset page included alternate email, text or call. 
selected send by text

code did not work

Was directed to use my alternate email

did that. Code worked and I reset password. 
logged out and logged back in to email account. 
would not let me access security settings to reset password again. 
2factor texts received but codes don’t work.

Do the criminals have control over my text and email?

afraid to login to any other of my accounts that I have 2factor text or email options 



19 Messages

@user_defba4​  I have switched all accounts linked to Comcast email to a proton mail address- bank, brokerage, retirement etc. You should check all these accounts and make sure that you have notifications on if someone tries to change the password. Proton mail has an app so you can get it on your phone and always be aware if someone is trying to use access to your former Comcast email as a way to steal your identity or money. Proton is rated as the #1 email in security. I wish I had done this sooner. It would have saved me about 10 hours of work switching all accounts for myself and my wife and countless more hours of worry about my informational security. Merry Xmas and good luck with this. I have a feeling all of us affected by this hack are going to needs it next year.

Gold Problem Solver


5.9K Messages


Seems like even if an account wasn't hacked this has affected all Comcast emails. Switched over all my accounts associated with the Comcast email but I have some Wemo smart plugs and Belkin site doesn't recognize the validity of the Comcast email.

So calling their customer service ASAP, don't know if they are open tomorrow, and have them remove my account. Everything else is set up with a different email. And that whole process has been fun.

I keep checking on the webmail but don't see any accounts being added on my email. I know that for weeks I was getting 4-5 spam emails for a day or two, then nothing, then back again. Seems like they were having issues with the email for a while.

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