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54 Messages

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 2:06 PM


Is the "Xfinity Connect Email" popup window malware?

FYI: I typed a detailed question but when I clicked on a tag my question disappeared. I can't do it again right now but am very worried about the possibility of malware so I'm posting this vague request for help:

I can't get past a "Xfinity Connect Email" popup window (a window I've never seen before) and am unable to see my emails or use my email accounts. Can't even log out properly. 

Is the popup MALWARE?

(Mac desktop, Safari, Sonoma, all up to date, cookies/cache cleared. Window doesn't appear on iPad. Can't find sufficient information in searches to answer this question myself.)

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26.3K Messages

11 months ago

... .xinfinity. ...

That's incorrect (spurious "i" after the "x"). It should be

... What is Xfinity Connect? Isn't it for mobile use? ...

It's their web email address. It's what you use on a computer or a mobile device whenever you access your Xfinity email using a web browser.

... The little window is still there and behaves the same way, so I took a screenshot. ...

That windows appears when you create a new UserID, and once in a long while when they make changes to web email. You need to click the "Get Started" button to clear the popup.

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Thank you re the link. I tried it (Mac & one iPad), landed on the sign-in page. I am signed in to email so maybe my privacy settings are interfering? Will try again later when I have enough time to sign in to multiple windows. My time on this Mac is limited due to an injury.  

The "appsuite" was what confused me. It sounds like a mobile app as opposed to a website one and all the searches I did referred to apps on phones/apps on tablets. But from what you're saying I guess it's the entire email platform, web browsers included? Thank you for the clarification!

The little window is still present on the Mac right now. I still can't get past it without clicking "Get Started" and accepting what appears to be a redesigned mail function. There's no option to opt out. Still can't access my mail or any of the page's navigational buttons, etc. That's OK bec I can use both iPads. But I wonder why the little window is on 2 of my secondary email accounts but not the others, why it won't let me leave my email the way it is, if there's a charge for the new features (is it an upgrade?), etc. Many questions.

The email accounts aren't new.

Maybe the window will wander off on its own.

In the meantime I'll try to find out more about the email redesign. Maybe it's wonderful and I'll be eager to "Get Started."


Thank you, @BruceW & @Again -- I'm glad to know it's not malware!!






31.3K Messages

11 months ago


FYI: I typed a detailed question but when I clicked on a tag my question disappeared. I can't do it again right now but am very worried about the possibility of malware so I'm posting this vague request for help:

I can't get past a "Xfinity Connect Email" popup window (a window I've never seen before) and am unable to see my emails or use my email accounts. Can't even log out properly. 

Is the popup MALWARE?

(Mac desktop, Safari, Sonoma, all up to date, cookies/cache cleared. Window doesn't appear on iPad. Can't find sufficient information in searches to answer this question myself.)

I have never heard of a pop up window for .  Is there any message with it?  Do you have pop ups blocked in Safari?



54 Messages



Tbh I feel a little silly even asking about this bec the Xfinity sign-in situation has been very weird lately & my guess is that most of the issues are due to various -- and likely temporary -- incompatibilities between devices/software and the Xfinity online platform. I haven't looked for help for any of them because they seem, well, normal. And I can usually work around them. But this one is impenetrable and strange.

First: What is Xfinity Connect? Isn't it for mobile use? Then why am I seeing it at all on my desktop? Most of the information I find about it alludes to mobile devices. I don't have the Xfinity app. 

Anyway...the window appears immediately after log-in. It gives me the choice to "Learn More" or "Get Started." There's a video inside it that I guess describes how wonderful Xfinity Connect Email is, bec I clicked on "Learn More" and saw an impressive display about its features (none of which I need). I didn't click to see the video or to "Get Started."

The problem is that the window won't go away and nothing "under" it (my email and the page's navigational buttons, etc.) functions. Nothing clicks. I can't even log out. All I can do is to close the tab. 

Another strange thing: the window appears on 2 of my secondary email accounts but not the others.  

I never "surf" with any of my Xfinity email accounts open and am ruthless with spam, etc. No clicking inside emails. Ever. And bec using the iPads is easier I rarely log in on the desktop. The only reason I did it today was because logging in on the iPads resulted in the "Something unexpected" message and I couldn't log into any of the secondary email accounts using either Safari & DuckDuckGo browsers. 

This Xfinity Connect Email thing is the most recent in a growing list of challenges I have when trying to log in and use Xfinity email/website. Like all of the others (so far!) I can work around it as long as it doesn't appear on the iPads. All I'm trying to find out is if it's just another hiccup that will be fixed eventually, or if it's something to worry about. 

Oh!! Re Safari: Yes, I have popups blocked. 

Thank you for replying!! 





54 Messages



I checked a few minutes ago. The little window is still there and behaves the same way, so I took a screenshot. The url's included. I blurred everything "under" the window. Here it is:

I hope it's OK to add photos...





31.3K Messages


To be honest, I've never seen anything like that.  Hmmmm

What happens when you try to go to directly?

We might have to get our super sleuth @XfinityAlex to figure out that popup box.


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 I'm on one of the iPads right now so things may be different from the desktop but I just clicked on your link and the page went nowhere. The destination url was there but the page was blank. All white, empty. 

Tomorrow I'll try the link on the desktop Mac, assuming we don't lose power in storms. 

Thank you!!



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