31 Messages
iOS unable to connect to Comcast mail
Xfinity prompted me to reset my password. After doing so, I've been unable to access my Comcast email on my iOS device. I typed the new password in the account settings in iOS, but when it tries to connect to Comcast I get an error message that says: "No password provided for 'Comcast'. Please go to Mail Account Settings and enter a password." That makes no sense because I absolutely have supplied a password.
I found a previous thread with numerous people who had the same exact issue. That thread was closed and erroneously marked "Official Solution". There's no solution in it. Some people simply said that after resetting their passwords dozens of times over a several day period it mysteriously started working again. That's not a solution. There was a suggestion in that thread that people ensure their Xfinity email security settings have the box checked to allow third-party apps access. As most people reported, that box is checked, so that isn't the problem/solution. Has anyone discovered a real solution? Here's the old thread that should not have been closed:
31 Messages
2 months ago
UPDATE: After resetting my password numerous times, I finally got to work.
The only thing I did differently was limit the special characters to ones that are more commonly used. Previously, I'd been relying on auto-suggested passwords from my Chrome browser which contained some exotic characters.
If the avoidance of unusual special characters is indeed the solution, a mystery remains. The website allowed me to create passwords with weird characters and then subsequently allowed me to log-in with those characters. If exotic characters are not allowed/recognized, neither of those facts should be true. Xfinity's website should have rejected the exotic passwords at the start, or at the very least failed to log me in when I later came back. The fact that Xfinity's server would recognize exotic special characters from a web submission but not from an iOS device makes zero sense.
More succinctly, if certain special characters aren't allowed/recognized, the problem shouldn't have be limited to iOS devices. Customers should have trouble logging in from any source.
Which means it may be a coincidence that the the password Xfinity finally accepted happened to be a vanilla one. The true problem may still be unknown.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
2 months ago
Hello user_pa316, that's pretty odd, but thank you for also sharing that update along with your details. By chance, do you remember if you were able to sign in to the Xfinity website or Connect website with that initial password change?