

4 Messages

Thursday, December 12th, 2024 10:41 PM


ESMTP server temporaily not available

This was asked about 3 years ago but there was no resolution to the problem.  In the last couple of day, I have been getting the following error when I try to send email from Thunderbird:

An error occurred while sending mail: Outgoing server (SMTP) error.  The server responded: resomta-h2p-555030.sys.comcast.net resomta-h2p-555030.sys.comcast.net.  Excessive failed authentication, ESMTP server temporarily not available. 

I was on the phone with tech support but he could not find the issue.  My settings for the outgoing server (SMTP) settings for all of my comcast accounts is:

Server Name: smtp.comcast.net

Port: 587

User Name: <my full email address>

Authentication method: Normal Password

Connection Security: STARTTLS

I have also tried SSL/TLS connection security on port 465.

Does anyone know why this would have started in the last couple of days?

Just before this started I sent an email and didn't know how big the attachment was until I sent it.  It was right near the 25 MB limit.  Is that e-mail stuck trying to send?  That would kind of explain the "excessive failed authentication" part.

I can receive e-mail fine.

When I try to create the account in Outlook, it just says there is an error -- not specific.

Gold Problem Solver


26.3K Messages

3 months ago

... Excessive failed authentication ...

Please see https://forums.xfinity.com/conversations/email/possible-solution-for-unable-to-connect-to-email-from-apple-maybe-other-devices-after-changing-comcast-password/65a1a8fbf961c6163a367c6f. Sending large messages is unrelated to this error. 

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4 Messages

Thank you x 1000!

I have a laptop I rarely use for e-mail.  It had Outlook installed on it.  Outlook wouldn't let me delete the account since it was the only account on there.  I updated the password there.  Looks like everything works everywhere now ... without having to delete the account from either my phone or the laptop.  

Would be nice if they would teach the customer service reps to ask "do you have any other computers with that email?"  



4 Messages

Also ... the CSR suggested deleting Thunderbird and reinstalling it.  That wasn't really a good idea.  While I copied my profile directory from AppData\Roaming, I didn't copy the directory above it.  However, Thunderbird was able to do an import, which did get everything back to the way it was.

I wasn't real happy about that suggesting, but I did it.  Took an hour or two to get everything back to the right place.



109.1K Messages

3 months ago

The concern is not "Community Knowledge Base" related............................ Topic moved here to the proper help section.

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