BJW_1956's profile

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4 Messages

Friday, November 1st, 2019 4:00 AM


Emails still not sending

I have not been able to send an email from my Comcast account for several days. How do I get this corrected?

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29.6K Messages

5 years ago

How are you accessing your email?  Just the webmail and a browser, or something else?  Exactly what happens when you try to send?  Are you getting any error message?

New Poster


4 Messages

5 years ago

Well, I just tried again and the email actually sent. So I guess whatever was happening has bene corrected.

New Poster


4 Messages

5 years ago

I am experiencing the same issue on both Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers on my laptop.  Each time I try to send an email, a popup in.dicates it was sent. However, the recipient never receives it. 


Thanks for offering to help. The live chat and call scheduling I tried both were useless in dealing with this issue.

Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

5 years ago

I am trying to send email from a laptop running Windows 10 with Outlook 2016, a Desktop running Windows 7 with Outlook 2010 and an iPhone XS using just the standard email format on the iPhone.

The email shows up in the sent folder but is not delivered. The only sending that works is to my own comcast email from my laptop - if I try to send to myself from either the iPhone or the desktop - nothing gets delivered, and sending from the laptop to anyone else doesn't get delivered.

Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

5 years ago

I am having the same problem. This just started on Sunday - didn't notice it until today. Have spent hours with customer support - they told me to call Outlook and get help even though I can't send from 2 windows devices (one is OS 7 and the other is OS 10 and an iPhone).



29.6K Messages

5 years ago

@Anon72512 wrote:

I am trying to send email from a laptop running Windows 10 with Outlook 2016, a Desktop running Windows 7 with Outlook 2010 and an iPhone XS using just the standard email format on the iPhone.

The email shows up in the sent folder but is not delivered. The only sending that works is to my own comcast email from my laptop - if I try to send to myself from either the iPhone or the desktop - nothing gets delivered, and sending from the laptop to anyone else doesn't get delivered.

To clarify-------if you send using only the webmail interface and a browser, does the email function normally and the messages go out?  Using either one of the computers or the phone?

Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

5 years ago

Yes, only using the web interface are the messages actually delivered. Sending from a windows desktop, a windows laptop and/or an iphone using Outlook (2010 and 2016 versions respectively) on the windows devices and the regular mail application on the iphone, and the emails are not delivered. They all show up in the sent folder, but they are not being delivered.  All of these devices worked perfectly for many years until this past weekend. I even tried sending from the iphone without Wifi turned on - both at work and at home. I didn't think that would really do anything because of the issues with the windows pc and laptop, but tried it anyway. Still no joy. I really appreciate any assistance, and thank you for your time.



29.6K Messages

5 years ago

@Anon72512 wrote:

Yes, only using the web interface are the messages actually delivered. Sending from a windows desktop, a windows laptop and/or an iphone using Outlook (2010 and 2016 versions respectively) on the windows devices and the regular mail application on the iphone, and the emails are not delivered. They all show up in the sent folder, but they are not being delivered.  All of these devices worked perfectly for many years until this past weekend. I even tried sending from the iphone without Wifi turned on - both at work and at home. I didn't think that would really do anything because of the issues with the windows pc and laptop, but tried it anyway. Still no joy. I really appreciate any assistance, and thank you for your time.

Then I think it's reasonable to conclude that the issue is not with your Comcast email account, but with something going on in Outlook and in the phone Mail client.  Try deleting the account from Outlook on both computers, and then re-create them again from scratch.  Let Outlook auto-configure the account for you after you input your user ID and password.  Do the same on the phone.  See if that solves the issue.  Make sure you have any local folders backed-up before you do this.

Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you for your time - I do appreciate it.

Please help me understand how something happened in Microsoft Outlook 2010, Microsoft Outlook 2016, and Apple's mail app all at the same time that resulted in only Comcast emails not being delivered? I am not having issues with any other email accounts on those applications and devices.

I am just not understanding how Comcast (the common denominator) is not the one blocking those applications instead of the other way around.

I didn't delete the current accounts, but did try setting up new accounts on the desktop (Outlook 2010) and on the iPhone - no joy.



31.4K Messages

5 years ago

@Anon72512 wrote:

Thank you for your time - I do appreciate it.

Please help me understand how something happened in Microsoft Outlook 2010, Microsoft Outlook 2016, and Apple's mail app all at the same time that resulted in only Comcast emails not being delivered? I am not having issues with any other email accounts on those applications and devices.

I am just not understanding how Comcast (the common denominator) is not the one blocking those applications instead of the other way around.

I didn't delete the current accounts, but did try setting up new accounts on the desktop (Outlook 2010) and on the iPhone - no joy.

Check your email settings with the link below:


Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

5 years ago

The link didn't work - received error message "invalid parameters specified." Can you resend?

I think if MS Outlook wasn't working, but the website and the phone were, then it's reasonable that it's Outlook. And, if the website and Outlook were working, but not the phone - then it makes sense it's the phone. But, it's only their website that's working. Which seems to indicate a stronger possibility that settings on their end have been changed versus the possiblity that settings everywhere else have been changed - all at the same time. Please help me see how it can't be settings that Comcast changed on their end?



31.4K Messages

5 years ago

I fixed the link.  Try it now. 

Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago

Did you have resolution with this issue?  I am having a similar issue with multiple e-mail apps and comcast currently.



14 Messages

5 years ago

I too am having an issue with emails not arriving at the recipients' address.  Using Comcast email accessed from  Been "working" with various departments at Comcast with no resolution.  

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