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Monday, September 26th, 2022 8:05 PM


Email filters don't work, no spam training

Here's another installment in the "Comcast's spam handling is abysmal" saga. For several years now I have been getting regular messages in Arabic from "marwa hasaan," plus occasional other messages in Arabic, "ali glal" being the next most prominent sender. Comcast email does not recognize these as spam. Marking them as spam does no good, since, unlike almost all other large service spam filters, it appears the Comcast spam filter has absolutely no capability of learning from such marking. I tried making a filter to send messages from this sender to the spam folder, but it also does not work. Fortunately, I download my mail with Thunderbird and its junk filter works properly and it learns from marking such messages that they are junk. So they don't appear in my Thunderbird inbox. But they still land in my Xfinity/Comcast inbox on the webmail interface. I doubt that anyone can offer a solution, so I'm just venting my frustration here with this long-standing Comcast email deficiency.

Gold Problem Solver


3.3K Messages

2 years ago

Hi there. We understand the nuisance spam emails can cause. Most of us that use email can all relate! There are several things that we are doing and that we have in place for these types of situations. I wanted to provide some links to you that I think will provide a lot of additional insight. Please review each of them and let us know what additional questions you have:,,

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16 Messages

@XfinityMorgan​ Yep, just as I expected, a boiler plate answer that doesn't address the fact that the information provided in the articles doesn't really work. That includes marking messages as spam and creating filters. The spam filter does NOT learn to filter spam by my marking of recurring messages from the same sender. The filter function does NOT work to send the same messages to the spam folder. Either genuinely engage with me on this issue or just admit you don't have any actual answers.

Gold Problem Solver


3.3K Messages

2 years ago

We're happy to help, but please be mindful of our Community Guidelines: and We can see if @XfinityCSAEmail can look further into this for you and/or chime in with further detail to help address your concern. Please allow time for their response.

{edit: hyperlink correction}



Official Employee


1K Messages

2 years ago

Good afternoon,

Reviewing your email logs, the "ali glag" emails - they appear to be coming from google groups. Indicating that you are subscribed to a google group and for that reason is not marked as spam. Similarly for the "marwa hasaan" emails. Due to being emails from google groups and needing to be added to the group or manually sign up yourself the emails are categorized as social emails and are not commonly flagged for spam. When you get a chance can you review the email headers for one of those emails and see if there is an unsubscribe link within the headers? or any indication to which google groups you are a part of(likely not intentionally from the sounds of it)?

To also note, our spam filter processes over a billion spam messages daily, just happens that in this instance the types of emails you consider spam are ones you have to either sign up for or be asked to signed up for via google groups. Also, the marking of emails as spam takes the reports into account on a entire platform wide level and not individual level. The spam filter is a wholistic filtration system for all users and are not tailored per user. The users however can influence the filtration system if enough reports are received. For example, if 10,000 people get the same spam emails and all 10,000 mark the emails as spam, the filter will acknowledge and mark future emails as spam. If 1 person gets a spam email and they mark it as spam, there isn't enough data or reason to immediately mark the email as spam. In your example checking our overall server logs there are users who have even added this sender to their address book indicating that there is an amount of these emails that some users would like to receive on our platform to their inbox intentionally. Like the saying goes "one mans trash is another mans treasure". Overall, like I mentioned earlier its a google groups email and with a little digging into what email group you are signed up for with google groups, you can unsubscribe from the email group as per 

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@XfinityCSAEmail​, thank you! This was actually incredibly helpful. Google Groups was not even on my radar, since I've never intentionally used or participated in one. And I also seldom use the Google account created long ago with my Comcast address. But I found the offending group and left it and also changed global settings so that group managers cannot add me without my permission. I really appreciate the personal attention that was given to this. It's just frustrating that one has to first push past the impersonal offering of solutions already tried but which did not work. In any case, I'm a happier and more informed customer today.



5 Messages

2 years ago

Glad it worked for this person. But I've been trying to use Xfinity email filters for the past year for junk I never signed up for and the filters do nothing. The article they always refer you to does not explain in detail how the filtering mechanism works. For example, there is a down arrow next to each filter I create. Am I supposed to click on this? If I do it changes to a circle with a line though it. What does all this mean? How about providing some actual filter setups in the article.

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16 Messages

@user_9b0eec​ I agree. The email filters (not the spam filter) did not work for me either, though I thought I had set them correctly. The Comcast rep simply pointed me to where a particular set of junk mail was coming from and I was able to eliminate it at the source, so to speak. But, as you say, the email filter mechanism has no real documentation to help one learn to use it properly, if it does in fact work.

Official Employee


1K Messages

@user_9b0eec​ What specifics are you looking for? it works like any other industry standard filter/rule system. One main thing to note is that the filters do not work on emails in your spam folder. The filtration setting is only for emails delivered to your inbox. The current limitation of the rule set is 100 rules. The arrow and circle if hovered over states "Process subsequent rules of [name of the filter]" which means arrow indicates it will move onto the next rule in the list and circle with line means it will stop processing further rules. 



⊘ <--- full stop - does not process the rules below this




If you're looking for an example of a filter when its set up, are you referring to something like this?

As the article here: states, you will want to make sure the logic makes sense when creating the rules. The rules themselves are literal in how they are interpreted, similar to simple coding language, "if [this] do [that]". Unfortunately, the reason it doesn't supply a walk-through of an exact filter setup and only shows how to do it is the age old philosophy of "teach a person to fish". Simply copying exactly what is set up in the guide will not give you the desired result, but as the guide demonstrates and states - as long as the logic makes sense, it will work exactly how it is configured. 

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473 Messages

Hi there! @pastorbily This is certainly not the experinece we want for our valued members! Did you still need assistance with this concern?

I no longer work for Comcast. 

Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

Uncheck the "Process subsequent rules" boxes in all of your email filters and they should start working.

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