dimitraalys's profile

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7 Messages

Tuesday, April 14th, 2020 8:00 AM



For months now, every day 40-150 SPAM messages go directly into my Inbox DESPITE the FACT that I have all spam filtering ON/ENABLED, and I have created RULES for Spam Filtering following Comcast/Xfinity's steps, and I have MANUALLY "Blocked" every single email address that is Spam that comes directly into my Inbox. What is the problem??? Comcast/Xfinity ~ you need to fix this isssues ASAP. It's disgusting to have to manually "block" 100s of Spam messages every day!!!

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Official Employee


1K Messages

5 years ago

for the emails that come from actual domains, you will want to manually check their unsubscribe option/policy. All email platforms are universal recipients of email. As long as the sending server is configured correctly - email will flow. Also to note, im not saying that YOU specifically signed up for it - someone did. To better phrase it - anyone can. So for example from what you've provided - i can go onto http://homeowneralerts.com/ and just enter any email i want for the newsletter. The few that i checked - you are the only person on comcast.net receiving emails from them. So seems like someone specifically went out of their way to add your email to those specific newsletters. Unfortunately, this isnt an issue with the Comcast email platform and we would be unable to "stop" specific emails from being sent to you specifically. Either we accept emails from a domain or we dont. Filtration is based on all subscribers by all subscribers. So for example if there were other comcast.net users receiving the same email and they also report it as spam - the server will start filtering them as spam because multiple users at a high rate state/mark the sender as spam. Unfortunately, Comcast is unable to speak to anything in regards to Outlook outside of the server settings you would need to connect your Comcast email. Outlook is a third-party program with its own features, filtrations, and rules. To add, the reasoning for unsubscribe confirming the existence of your email is a common myth. Sending an email already confirms whether its a valid email or not. Invalid emails generate a server response stating that the email doesn't exist. I do also recommend reviewing the Can Spam Act so you are aware of what it entails for anyone sending you emails from businesses: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/can-spam-act-compliance-guide-business

You can also check for legitimacy of the emails by seeing if the sender has a website associated with their email content. If they dont and you get an error that states that there isnt a webpage or that the domain is "parked". You will want to reach out to the host and advise them that their customer is sending you unsolicited bulk spam. (Example: i go to www.xxxxxxxxx.com and GoDaddy says its a parked domain - you would want to create a support ticket/reach out to GoDaddy and advise them that their user is spamming you so they can enforce their own users and their sending habits). 



29.6K Messages

5 years ago

You can call Comcast security and see if they can tweak your account to help with this.-----------------


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However, when the problem gets out of hand like this, my suggestion would be to just change the email address if it's not a monumental hassle for you.   If you are interested, see here----------------


You can change the user ID-----that portion of the email address to the left of the @ symbol. On the Xfinity home page, click on "My Account" at the top. Sign in again. On the top of the landing page, click on "Users". The account name should now show. To the right, click on "Edit", and follow the prompts.

Caution-----once you change the user ID, you CANNOT get the old one back. So make sure the new one is really what you want.

Official Employee


1K Messages

5 years ago

can you confirm how you are accessing your email and what common types of spam emails you are seeing? also, have you been using the "mark as spam" function to help our filter start filtration? I checked our server and it shows only approximately 200 emails were sent to you in the last 5 days. 

New Poster


7 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you for responding. Please help me. Yes, I have always used Comcast's SPAM filtering. Spam Filtering is ENABLED in my account online (webmail). I use Outlook to access my Comcast email, and I have all the Spam/Junk options enabled,  and I have also created several "rules" to try to get anything that is marketing-type spam sent directly to the Spam folder. I have manually "block sender" hundreds of the spam emails so they go into the "Blocked Senders" list, and I've manually added both "*@domainname" and "@domainname" of EVERY Spam email I've gotten to my "Blocked Senders" list. YET emails from those same domains still go directly into my Inbox. You can see the kinds of Spam I'm getting, I hope. It is really frustrating to have all the filters and setttings ON nd still get all this Spam in my INBOX. 

By the way, I do not want to change my user name (suggested in another response to my original question). I have been a Comcast customer since it bought out InsightBB (and I had the same user name with InsightBB). I have zero interest in changing my user name. I just want these SPAMS to STOP or at least go into the Spam folder! Thank you, please help me.

Official Employee


1K Messages

5 years ago

right, but if you just simple move the emails, its not confirming to our server whether you think its spam or not. The function of the button "this is spam" is to literally train our filtration system with your feedback and combine it with any other user complaints to place filtration. So if we dont know what you are receiving is spam, then we wont know to filter it as spam. Additionally, if its coming from a newsletter service or an email distributing system - you can opt out from the emails yourself with the provider directly. I notice quite a few emails coming from elasticemail.com for example - you can directly go to their website to report spam you are receiving from them. Most newsletter/distribution type emails even have an "unsubscribe" function. You will want to manually review the emails you are receiving as "spam" and see if there are alternate ways to prevent them from being sent to you than just moving them around to folders with filters. Its possible that someone has signed you up for a bunch of newsletters or put you on a distribution list. You will want to review the emails and see if you can locate the source and advise them to stop sending to you. Comcast will deliver all emails as long as its compliant with industry standards like the Can Spam Act. Overall, we will need more details on what you are seeing than just "im getting spam". What are the nature of the emails, do they have unsubscribe options, when you check the headers - where is it coming from, etc. 

New Poster


7 Messages

5 years ago

Okay. One thing first: I thought using "unsubscribe" was a very bad idea as some sites actually use your "unsubscribe" request to CONFIRM your email address.

A second thing: I have NOT subscribed to any of these Spammy sites/places ~ the only  thing I can imagine is that my email address has been "sold" to third parties from "legit" sites I've used. I opt out of as many of those as I possibly can ~ when they actually have opt out or "do not share my contact info" options.

Now, I do use the "this is spam"/"mark as spam" button in the Webmail, but ~ I've done that before and most of the spam still comes into my inbox. Please tell me exactly where is the "this is spam" button or filter if I'm viewing my Comcast email in Outlook: the only option I see is "Block Sender" which I've been using (I can click on in the top of my Outlook program) to no avail. My comcast account is the ONLY email account in my Outlook program that isn't filtering Spam ~ I have seven email addresses loaded into my Outlook program to view in one window.

Here is my complet list of Blocked Senders (so far); as you can see, I've been doing everything I can to NOT receive Spam in my Inbox:

New Poster


7 Messages

5 years ago

Thank you for all of that information. "So seems like someone specifically went out of their way to add your email to those specific newsletters."  ~ wow, why in the world someone would do that to me is beyond me. If I could find out who used my email address that way, I would try to get them prosecuted or at least investigated.

Well, anyway. Over the past few days, I have done everything you have suggested, including using the Webmail version of my email (insead of Outlook), and using the "Mark As Spam" button for each Spam email that comes into my Inbox.

I also went to that one site you mentioned a few posts ago, elasticmail.com, and "argued" them into adding my email address to their internal Global Blocked List (removes my email address from all outgoing sending-type lists, so that NONE of their "clients" can send anything to me).

For anyone who has to do that with elasticmail.com in the future: I used their online chat popup, which is a bot at first and then a human on their end does show up eventually. I typed in that I was receiving hundreds of Spam from their clients each day in my Inbox, and I typed in my email address in the regular chat communication area. The bot asks if you are an existing client or not, and I clicked the "no" box and then the bot asks you to sign up with them ~ I refused to create an account with them, AND when the bot asked me to type in my email address into a special "box" within the chat ~ I did NOT enter my address there. Instead I just continued to type into the regular chat area itself. I typed in again that I wanted them to remove my email from all their outgoing lists. I typed in that some of their clients were clearly abusing their (elasticmail.com's) services by sending unsolicited emails that the clients must have "bought" as third paries from legit sites. And I typed in that Comcast/Xfinity had advised me to contact them and request removal from their outgoing emailing lists. By this time, a human was on their end, and asked for "headers" and "source email addresses" etc of the Spam emails, and I typed in that I had deleted all of the Spam emails already and just wanted to get my email address off of their outgoing lists. By the way, I was polite and I used begging language ("Please please help me") throughout the entire chat. The human sent me two paragraphs that said more to the tune of "create an account and we can filter what you receive" and then one line that said, "Or we can add your email address to our internal Global Blocked Addresses List so that you no longer receive any messages from our clients; be aware you would then not receive emails from potentially solicited sources." Then I copied and pasted that line right back to him with the edits of: "PLEASE please add my email address to your internal Global Blocked Addresses List so that I no longer receive any messages from your clients; I am aware that I will then not receive emails from potentially solicited sources." And, he did it ~ he added my email to their blocked list (of course, I take him at his word, but I can say that today I received about 90% less Spam emails!).

Back to my Comcast official representative who has been helping me ~ thank you! I hope all the steps you've suggested in this thread truly eliminates the problem I've had with so many Spam coming into my Inbox.



1 Message

4 years ago

Yeah what that comcast representative said is simply UNTRUE. Google Mail uses advanced AI to filter out spam.. you do NOT need to unsubscribe to every BS thing that you get forced into a mailing list on. Xfinity simply SUCKS at this. I am being spammed to hell to and I am about to just make something else my primary email as I've had enough.



3 Messages

4 years ago

As Koliosis said above, it's out of control now. I'm very good at managing these types things on many other platforms, but Xfinity's spam filters are simply not working right now. It's absolutely ridiculous how much spam I'm getting every day now. This wasn't happening a few months ago, so I don't know what's changed. I have gone to all of my advanced settings and they are doing no good. And yes, I'm familiar with the whole "unsubscribe" thing. That is not the problem here. I have three other email addresses on other platforms and I don't have this problem. 



33 Messages

4 years ago

Same issue here, getting worse not better. We report and block all spam but comcast doesn't block. 

Official Employee


744 Messages

Hey @gackenhj, @reldel, @rick_parker, @Koliosis-


We appreciate you sharing your experience with your email. I know this must be very frustrating to deal with! It is important to us that you guys are only getting the emails you need, and we work hard to make sure spam is filtered out. Can you confirm for me if you have already checked your spam filters to make sure everything is set up correctly and hasn't been turned off? Are the emails you have already marked as spam still coming back to your inbox as regular?


We want to ensure that we get this resolved for you, so if you are still running into issues please send Xfinity Support a private message using our peer to peer chat service by clicking on the chat icon in the top right corner of the page. Once you hit that chat icon, you'll be able to initiate a new chat with Xfinity Support so we can continue helping out there and make sure there are no issues going on with your email addresses. 


Here are some helpful links you can reference-
What is Comcast Doing About Spam?: https://comca.st/3cov1dr.
Set Email Filters or Spam Filters: https://comca.st/3fcN08n
Mark Emails as Spam: https://comca.st/3dn3tof

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2 Messages

4 years ago

Another longtime Xfinity email account user who opens Comcast emails in Outlook.  On or about March 15, 2021 Xfinity spam filters started allowing many "JUNK/SPAM" emails to pass through into Outlook and then appear into the "Focused" designated box.  My Outlook Junk email settings are set to highest level, "Safe Lists Only".   This is a specific Xfinity problem that needs to be fixed.  GMail emails filter properly in Outlook.

New Poster


9 Messages

4 years ago

I want to block all email coming from gmail.com.  I set the filter up to block that, but I am still getting gmail spam

New Poster


9 Messages

4 years ago

I want to block all email coming from the gmail.com domain.  I set the filter to discard all email from "gmail" but I am still getting gmail spam.  Very frustrating

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hello, @Nuke2. I'm sorry to hear this has caused some frustration. Are you getting various emails from a single Gmail account, or are their various Gmail account sending your emails? Can you confirm if they are from individuals or "companies" seeking more information? Have you tried to unsubscribe, or did you just try the filters for this step? 

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Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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1 Message

4 years ago

My problem is that the spam I do get is designed to "look" like an email from Xfinity.  And is almost always about my account, whether it's about an outdated version of my mail inbox to requests to have my account deactivated. Very frustrating. Because I know they are not legit, there is no way I'm going click on any link in the emails.


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