4 Messages

Monday, March 18th, 2024 12:42 AM


Comcast spam filters are not working

I am being bombarded with spam emails that do not contain a sender address so I set up THREE filters all of which say that if there is not sender then discard the message yet messages without a sender address contain to spam my email box.  Yes they are being routed to my spam folder but why is comcast allowing them thru?   Is comcast being paid to allow certain spammers to bypass the filters?  This is the only reason I can see as to why the comcast filters are allowing no sender spam emails thru the filters

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26.3K Messages

1 year ago

... they are being routed to my spam folder ...

User-defined filters only operate on mail delivered to the Inbox as it is being delivered. If you have Xfinity Connect's built-in filtering set to "Automatically move spam", messages that Comcast determines to be spam will be delivered to the Spam folder instead of the Inbox and they won't be processed by the filters you have set up.

To to have your filters process these messages you'd have to change the Connect spam pref (gear icon / Email Settings / Mail /  Advanced / Spam Filtering) to "Override Security Filters" so that all mail they deliver appears in your Inbox. The Spam folder will still exist but will not be used unless you mark something as Spam. But this means you'll have to do all your own spam filtering. For most users that's probably not a good idea.

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4 Messages

1 year ago

Okay, so if I change the override security filters settings so that all mail appears in my inbox my filters should delete these emails before they make it to my inbox?

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user_bey2vq Hey! I'm just checking in to see if BruceW's recommendation helped. Are you still having issues with your spam filters? 


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Gold Problem Solver


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1 year ago

Okay, so if I change the override security filters settings so that all mail appears in my inbox my filters should delete these emails before they make it to my inbox?

If that's how the filter Conditions and Actions are set, then yes. I wouldn't set if up that way because I'd always want to check that messages are being filtered correctly, but that's just me. I would suggest starting with an Action that moves filtered messages to a Temp folder so you can check to see if the filters are operating as you expect. Good luck!

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1 Message

1 year ago

Are there other ways we can have Comcast Determined Spam to just get discarded without our seeing our Spam folder fill up?

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Thank you for reaching out to us here @drewpete. You can set up multiple email filters with your Comcast email account. There are two parts to a filter: the condition, which determines if an email is affected by the filter, and the action, which determines what to do with the email.On your Xfinity app click email settings. Select Filter Rules under Mail, and then select Add new rule. Enter a name for the filter in the Rule name field. Click Add condition to choose the criteria you want to filter. Click Contains to select the parameters of the filter. Check that the logic used is correct. Under Actions, click Add action. Choose what you want to happen to the applicable email(s). You can choose discard in that section. 

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4 Messages

I am getting the same messages over and over after I mark them as Spam. My settings are set to send these to my spam folder? I don't know how to write filters..

Also, it's not a problem with my Samsung cell phone from Verizon



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1.1K Messages

Hello loudoes, Please try changing your password on the native side first, then log back in and check those spam folders.


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8 Messages

There is one option, filter spam or set up safe mail. COMCAST FILTERING IS NOT WORKING!

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@kellylent We're sorry to hear about the trouble with your email. We are happy to help. Since this is a 6-month-old thread, we ask you to please find the best board to author your question or concern, and post your question publicly. This will open a ticket in our system for us to assist. We look forward to your post. Thank you! 

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2 Messages

11 months ago

I have created numerous emailfilters in the xfinity/comcastweb site yet they seem to have no effect when read theough my Thunderbird or iphone email clients. It seems to me that the filtered emails should never make it to my inbox on the xfinity server and hence should not be downloadable to my Thunderbird and iphone imap clients. Any suggestions are appreciated.



1 Message

11 months ago

I am being bombarded as well and in the same situation- I have just about had it-thinking of ditching it after 18 years-HELP

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2.2K Messages

Our Digital Care team can help, spellcheckhunt! With Xfinity, you can set spam blockers with a Comcast email spam filter. Here is how:

Open Xfinity Email.
Click the Gear icon Image of gear icon on the top-right of the navigation bar, then click Email Settings.
From the menu on the left, click on Advanced Settings.
Click the Automatically move spam and potentially harmful messages to the Spam folder option.
Note: Enabling Spam filtering will move emails designated as spam to the Spam folder and delete them automatically after seven days.


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2 Messages

@spellcheckhunt​  :  Filtering is now working properly for me. To get it working I had to check the “Aotomatically move spam and potential harmful essages to the Spam folder”.

Good luck!

4 Messages


This is not working.  This is exactly why people are looking for a solution to hundreds of spam emails getting through !

1 Message

Mine was working well untill recently... not lots of spam is in my Inbox... My filters are ignored and the ones I mark as spam keep showing up. I have the"Move to spam" marked and its not working

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user_2df5d6, Thank you for letting us know what worked for you. We appreciate you helping the Xfinity Forums Community. 


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1 Message

10 months ago

I, too, have recently begun having issues with the Comcast SPAM filter not working.  Currently getting over 8 messages an hour that are clearly SPAM.  Have turned off/restarted the SPAM filter settings and am getting nowhere.  Anyone have a different workaround?

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hey lanahan. Sorry to hear you are having issues with the spam filtering. To confirm, none of the steps put in this tread have been of any help to help filter the spam in your email?






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6 Messages

10 months ago

I’m having the same problem, I even talked to tech-support but I’m still being spammed. I’ve been having other problems with my email. Comcast should be taking care of these problems, it’s not just one person.

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@user_20f487 Thanks for your feedback, Have you already reported these spam emails or are they new emails?

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10 months ago

under conditions what is the difference between subject and header?

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bmcates Great question! The Header can contain the Subject line. The Header includes all the information like who it is from and the time and date.  


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13 Messages

10 months ago

Experiencing the same issue here, something is not right in Xfinity email filtering town. It seems like the filter/s are not even in place with how many messages are being delivered to the spam folder on the daily.

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17 Messages

10 months ago

I'm also having trouble with the spam settings not working.  I deliberately turned off the automatic filtering so it would use my rules.  Not only are the rules not catching what they should, Comcast has again started generating spam reports for legitimate e-mails and getting my address blacklisted from retailer mailing services.  This is the second time in four months, and the third time in two years, that I've had to jump through hoops to get this fixed (through the retailer because phone support here is staffed by bots).  It's ridiculous.

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5 Messages

10 months ago

Spam filtering is no longer working for me. My Inbox is getting filled with obvious spam that should be automatically going to the Spam folder. I checked my settings and they are set to automatically go to spam folder, but it’s not working at all. I’m not sure why others are upset their spam folder is getting filled up- that’s what it’s supposed to do- put it in the spam folder.  

When will Comcast fix this and actually filter spam from going in my Inbox?

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1.7K Messages


werth28, Thank you for reaching out to Xfinity Support. It is always a good practice to clear Cache and Cookies to see if that helps reset things. Double check your filter settings for your email as well. Let us know if you are still having issues. 


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@XfinityAngie​ Local browser cache doesn't affect server side mail rules.

4 Messages

10 months ago

Anyone from comcast going to respond ?



1 Message

10 months ago

I, too, am suddenly being inundated by spam. Everything was working properly until a month or so ago, then suddenly they just started pouring in. I have tried all of the above recommendations, all to no avail. When is Comcast going to correct this problem?

Official Employee


3K Messages

@KJT3871 I am sorry to hear you are getting spam emails. I know I do not like them in my email and I am happy that most if not all go into my spam folder. Are yours going into your inbox? 

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1 Message

8 months ago

I have this same problem....I create filter rules and have them either DISCARD or REDIRECT and neither of those happens, the emails just keep coming...so frustrating

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