5 Messages
Xfinity Voicemail App - Audio Not Available
Recently when I go to to the voicemail app (Xfinity Mobile service on Samsung S22) to listen to my voicemail messages I see "audio not available. Pull down to refresh." The voicemail message has been transcribed and I can listen to it if I dial into my voicemail with the phone dialpad (very tedious), but the play button on the app is grayed out. First time I have ever had an issue. Has anyone heard of this before? Customer service told me to reinstall the app - which didn't help. Thanks!
ps: since this is a new issue, audio from old saved voicemails (before the issue started) can still be played.
Official Employee
2.2K Messages
1 year ago
Thank you for choosing Xfinity Mobile, @brandslamuser! I know I'd be wondering why the play button is grayed out too! Have you tried toggling the voice mail transcription option off and on again to see if it helps?
New Poster
8 Messages
1 year ago
I get the same exact error message. Mine goes back about a month though, anything before that I can play audio, after that, no audio available. I have called 7 or 8 times now, NO HELP whatsoever. They even insisted on transferring me to Samsung. I said it is a software issue, not a phone issue. I went ahead and let them transfer me, and that's exactly what Samsung told me. A lot of times the transcription isn't even usable the way it transcribes it, and you have to try and blindly call the number listed. On the Google Play Store, the only version for Xfinity Voicemail app is a Beta version, last updated in 2022. Does anyone have a source for a current version?
5 Messages
1 year ago
Judging by the google play store reviews this is happening to lots of people. I will probably try to use the native Samsung VM app and see how that works...
1 Message
1 year ago
I have the exact same issue with mine..
4 Messages
1 year ago
Same thing here, just recently can only see the badly transcribed messages...'Audio Not Available'. Clearly a problem across the board and not a phone model issue.
1 Message
1 year ago
Having same problem with Android phone. iPhone no problem. Hard to tell from responses are they even working on this issue?
Regular Visitor
5 Messages
1 year ago
This is unacceptable. I also notice it happening at the same time they are trying to move everything to the vastly more complicated Xfinity Assistant app. Terrible!
New Poster
8 Messages
1 year ago
Update: So after many calls to customer service and also support, I have an "answer" to this problem. Apparently several months ago, xfinity sent out an email notification that the xfinity voicemail app was being discontinued, hence no update since August of 2022. That would have been fine, however last Friday, one of the agents "helped" me by having me install an app called something like "xfinity Visual Voice-Mail". That didn't work, so then they had me remove that app. Up until Friday, I had all of my older voice-mails prior to about a month ago, when it stopped working and I started receiving the "Audio not available" error. After the assistance on Friday, I lost ALL of my voice-mails! Not happy. I had some extremely important voice-mails, and it is my fault I never downloaded some of them, but the last agent I worked with said they are all gone for good. I have been a customer for 24 years, and however many years before the name changes, and I am fed-up with internet service that is always sub-standard and does not meet the speed I pay for, and this voice-mail app that always had fairly awful transcription and now the audio issue. Now I have lost all of my voice-mails, PLUS, whatever they did caused me to be stuck in a loop where I try to open the voice-mail app, but it says I have to delete it first (seriously), and then re-install it, but it won't let me remove the app, so now I don't even have access to new transcriptions, which I prefer to do rather than just listen to voice-mails over the phone. They lost my TV service long ago, and I will be checking to see how much my internet price will go up if I cancel the mobile service next. Then I need to start the long, tedious task of changing my emails with every personal and business contacts so I can cancel the internet and be done with this company.
1 Message
1 year ago
I have the same issue. I reinstalled, but it didn't work. Any solutions?
Regular Visitor
3 Messages
1 year ago
I have a Samsung note 9 and have been having the same issue for over 3 months now. Very frustrating. I have tried all the above suggestions with no luck. Now as I read the above post only to find that the app has been discontinued it makes no sense as to why they would not tell their customers about its discontinuation.
How do you setup your phone to go to a google number for voicemails????
New Poster
3 Messages
1 year ago
Same issue here - anyone find a fix? Super frustrating. When I try to call in using *86 it thinks I am a new user without voicemail.
68 Messages
1 year ago
So I've been using the app for years on my s10e and suddenly I can't listen to recorded messages which at this moment are pretty important. Thanks XFinity. First the Stream app randomly freezes and crashes. Now this. What's going on over there?
1 Message
1 year ago
So is there a fix for this or not? For God's sake, can someone from Comcast please stick to this until the issue is resolved? What are we supposed to do, just go without voicemail? If the stupid thing can translate it, I WANT TO HEAR IT!
1 Message
1 year ago
I am having the same issue. And the transcripts have so many errors that I am missing information.
New Poster
8 Messages
1 year ago
Here's my latest update. I have called xfinity at least 15 times regarding the loss of voicemail audio files. I have spoken with four supposed supervisors. ALL FOUR were unable to help with this issue, or to escalate the issue to anyone who could help. ALL FOUR ended up saying they would research my issue further, and call me back. Not ONE of the FOUR supervisors has called me back, even with set appointment times for them to call me. One agent said he was out of ideas, and he recommended trying a new phone. I told him it is not a phone issue, it is an xfinity issue. He said I will send you a brand new phone for free. I asked the guy at least five times to verify this was a FREE phone, no charge. I reluctantly agreed but made sure I could switch back if it didn't work, because the free phone was far inferior to my Galaxy. A couple days later, I see the first payment of 24 billed to my mobile account for the new FREE phone. Last week, another supervisor was supposed to call me at a predetermined time as a follow-up, and they never called me. I was available for hours before and after, knowing they can get on a long call and can't always call at the exact time. No help, no resolution.