5 Messages

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 6:07 PM


Xfinity Voicemail App - Audio Not Available

Recently when I go to to the voicemail app (Xfinity Mobile service on Samsung S22) to listen to my voicemail messages I see "audio not available. Pull down to refresh." The voicemail message has been transcribed and I can listen to it if I dial into my voicemail with the phone dialpad (very tedious), but the play button on the app is grayed out. First time I have ever had an issue. Has anyone heard of this before? Customer service told me to reinstall the app - which didn't help. Thanks!

ps: since this is a new issue, audio from old saved voicemails (before the issue started) can still be played.

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2.2K Messages

1 year ago

Thank you for choosing Xfinity Mobile, @brandslamuser! I know I'd be wondering why the play button is grayed out too! Have you tried toggling the voice mail transcription option off and on again to see if it helps? 

5 Messages

Yes, I have, it didn't help. When its off I have no way of getting a message and then when I turn it back on the transcription does appear (even if it was off at the time of the call) but still no audio play option.

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4K Messages

@brandslamuser, Understood! For troubleshooting purposes, do you experience this same thing on a different device? 


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I had this problem with my Pixel 7 Pro and was not able to solve it with an Xfinity representative via chat.

Instead, they were able to make a change to my account settings that allowed me to use Android's built in voicemail (w/transcription) function. This was what I wanted anyway.

5 Messages

@XfinityAmira​ yes, i have another phone/line for my business and the same thing started happening around the same time... do you think it would be wise to just use the built-in samsung voicemail app instead of the xfinity voicemail app...?

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8 Messages

1 year ago

I get the same exact error message.  Mine goes back about a month though, anything before that I can play audio, after that, no audio available.  I have called 7 or 8 times now, NO HELP whatsoever.  They even insisted on transferring me to Samsung.  I said it is a software issue, not a phone issue.  I went ahead and let them transfer me, and that's exactly what Samsung told me.  A lot of times the transcription isn't even usable the way it transcribes it, and you have to try and blindly call the number listed.  On the Google Play Store, the only version for Xfinity Voicemail app is a Beta version, last updated in 2022.  Does anyone have a source for a current version?


5 Messages

@seahunter678​ interesting... have you tried switching to the samsung VM app as your default to see how that transition goes? can't think of any other ideas but havent tried it myself...

5 Messages

1 year ago

Judging by the google play store reviews this is happening to lots of people. I will probably try to use the native Samsung VM app and see how that works...

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8 Messages

Hey @brandslamuser thanks for the replies, I appreciate it.  I had thought about that, I am just concerned about losing my older voicemails that I need to keep.  I would have to download them all to be safe, but that is a slow process.  I will probably end up having to do that though.  

I will try to search and see if I can find anything on changing apps.

Thanks again, have a nice weekend.



143 Messages

Bear in mind the Samsung Voicemail app does not provide transcripts. I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Xfinity VM app with no improvement. For now, I'll take the transcript and call on the phone dialer if I really need to hear the audio, but I get very few voice messages these days.

1 Message

1 year ago

I have the exact same issue with mine..

4 Messages

1 year ago

Same thing here, just recently can only see the badly transcribed messages...'Audio Not Available'. Clearly a problem across the board and not a phone model issue.



1 Message

Correct CAD. Very frustrating. 

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

I am very sorry about the experience with the Voicemail App, @user_f132f8! We can certainly look into the account fully, and ensure our team investigates the issue fully with you. Can you please send us a DM to get started? 


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1 year ago

Having same problem with Android phone.  iPhone no problem.  Hard to tell from responses are they even working on this issue?



143 Messages

I, for one, am not holding my breath. Considering the issues with this app and the hoops I had to jump through to get it to work at all (to get transcription), I do not see this app as a priority for Xfinity. For now, I use the Xfinity Voicemail app to get transcribed messages. On the off chance I get a transcription I can't decypher, I then call into voicemail from my phone app.

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5 Messages

1 year ago

This is unacceptable. I also notice it happening at the same time they are trying to move everything to the vastly more complicated Xfinity Assistant app. Terrible!


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1.9K Messages

@Freddy7 Thank you for reaching out. The Xfinity Voice Mail App should only be used by devices that came out prior to the release of the Samsung Galaxy S10. Devices that are newer than that, should only be using the built-in voicemail from the manufacturer.

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I am using Samsung galaxy 9 edge and have same problem.

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Hello @user_tkppji! Thanks for reaching out on our Forums and letting us know you're experiencing the same issue with Voicemail on your Galaxy 9 Edge. An update on the phone may have caused this to occur on your model as well. I would strongly suggest reaching out to our Xfinity Mobile department directly about this concern. For the best assistance, please contact our Xfinity Mobile support center through any of the following methods: 

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@XfinityBenjaminM​ looking at the Play Store page for the App, it states that Note 9 (my phone) is compatible, as is also quoted in one of the replies below by one of your colleagues.

What's going on? Do I have to switch to Samsung Voicemail? If so, how do I do that?


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5 Messages

Here is a screenshot for reference

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8 Messages

1 year ago

Update:  So after many calls to customer service and also support, I have an "answer" to this problem.  Apparently several months ago, xfinity sent out an email notification that the xfinity voicemail app was being discontinued, hence no update since August of 2022.  That would have been fine, however last Friday, one of the agents "helped" me by having me install an app called something like "xfinity Visual Voice-Mail".  That didn't work, so then they had me remove that app.  Up until Friday, I had all of my older voice-mails prior to about a month ago, when it stopped working and I started receiving the "Audio not available" error.  After the assistance on Friday, I lost ALL of my voice-mails!  Not happy.  I had some extremely important voice-mails, and it is my fault I never downloaded some of them, but the last agent I worked with said they are all gone for good.  I have been a customer for 24 years, and however many years before the name changes, and I am fed-up with internet service that is always sub-standard and does not meet the speed I pay for, and this voice-mail app that always had fairly awful transcription and now the audio issue.  Now I have lost all of my voice-mails, PLUS, whatever they did caused me to be stuck in a loop where I try to open the voice-mail app, but it says I have to delete it first (seriously), and then re-install it, but it won't let me remove the app, so now I don't even have access to new transcriptions, which I prefer to do rather than just listen to voice-mails over the phone.  They lost my TV service long ago, and I will be checking to see how much my internet price will go up if I cancel the mobile service next.  Then I need to start the long, tedious task of changing my emails with every personal and business contacts so I can cancel the internet and be done with this company.

4 Messages

First, thank you for the update. Un-freaking believable! Let's send them an email about our voicemail!? What about those of us that don't use their email as the default? I just set up my Google Voice phone number to take all of my voicemail calls from my mobile phone. There, I get quality transcriptions, access the messages via the app or my phone. I totally agree with you on all points - getting charged exhorbitant rates for slow speeds, fewer options and then they just take stuff away? Wow. Great service. Real "10G" feelings all around. Thieves.  

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8 Messages

@CADroidman​ Yeah, I will be sending an email to someone I can find that is at least a manager, to tell them about my experiences.  They won't care, but I will still do it.  Maybe some day they will realize people do want at least some level of customer service.  I just dread calling xfinity for questions or issues, because the out of country call center representatives are very difficult for me to understand.  I don't hate other cultures, it's just a fact that their English is almost always not good enough to understand.  Also, again almost always, their knowledge level of the services is not even close to being enough for them to know what your issue actually is, and even if they do, they don't know the answer or solution.  Each call has numerous long pauses while they try to look up what you're issue is and a possible solution.  I also do not like when you have called several times, and you know the first-level help desk cannot help you, but they will not escalate your issue until they walk you through all the stupid steps that you have already tried a dozen times.  It is inexcusable that I called in at least five or six times on this issue, I even told them it was a software issue, and none of the representatives even knew that the xfinity voicemail app had been discontinued.  I actually called to cancel my mobile service (finally reached a native English speaker) , but of course they tried to troubleshoot my problem first.  This person could not help me, so then they escalated me to someone else (English speaker), and this person was the one that finally told me the software was not being used any longer.  I still don't even know what app I am supposed to be using now that the xfinity voicemail app was discontinued.  Just horrible services now, and horrible customer service as well.  And as I said, the really aggravating thing is they don't even care.


Official Employee


331 Messages

@seahunter678 So sorry to hear about that but I'd love to help. Could you please send us a direct message with your full name and address so we can help with the voicemail and internet issues?


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  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

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1 Message

1 year ago

I have the same issue. I reinstalled, but it didn't work. Any solutions?

Official Employee


3K Messages

@user_abf7hz I am sorry to hear about your voicemail app having issues. Have you made sure the phone is up-to-date? Have you also tried reaching out to the apps support team directly?

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1 year ago

I have a Samsung note 9 and have been having the same issue for over 3 months now. Very frustrating. I have tried all the above suggestions with no luck. Now as I read the above post only to find that the app has been discontinued it makes no sense as to why they would not tell their customers about its discontinuation.  

How do you setup your phone to go to a google number for voicemails????

4 Messages

Set your google number to 'do not disturb' settings. Then 'conditionally forward' (from your phone) all unanswered/busy calls to your google number: *72xxxxxxxxxx (Xs being your phone number with area code). Works like a charm and I get notifications, dictation, etc. I uninstalled the Xfinity Voice and only use this now. Good luck!

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1.7K Messages

@TONY697,  Due to account security, we are limited on access to your Xfinity Mobile Account here on Social Media and we do recommend reaching out to our experts to ensure your concern is resolved. You can reach them by texting or calling 1 (888) 936-4968. You can also chat with an expert here https://www.xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile.  

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1 year ago

Same issue here - anyone find a fix?  Super frustrating.  When I try to call in using *86 it thinks I am a new user without voicemail.

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2.2K Messages

Are you having this issue using a Samsung S22 as well, @pdallen? Your phone might be using the built-in voicemail from the manufacturer. Can you try these steps and let me know if it helped? 

Go to Settings > Apps > Visual Voicemail. Click Force Stop. 

Then click on Storage. Clear the cache and then Clear the data.

Go back to Home. Open Visual Voicemail. It will then go through its setup and ask for the permissions it needs.

I wanted to also share some info about the Xfinity Mobile Voicemail app which may help:

The Xfinity Mobile Voicemail app allows customers with a compatible device to listen to and manage their voice messages. You can play, share, delete, reply to, and if available, view transcriptions of your voice messages. In addition, you can also manage and record greetings.

This app requires a subscription to Xfinity Mobile service and is only compatible for use with the following devices:

Samsung Galaxy Series S7, S8, S9, Note 8, Note 9
LG Stylo 4, LG X Charge, LG X Power Motorola E5

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143 Messages

@XfinityThomasA , thank you for the input, but I hope you can understand the frustration here. Until around a month ago, Xfinity Mobile Voicemail worked just fine on my Samsung Galaxy S22. I had to tweak the installation process because there was an apparent issue with the installation file online, but I was running version and had full functionality of recorded audio messages, transcription, and voicemail mailbox control. Whatever happened recently cause the same version of the app to stop playing audio recordings, as many of us here have reported. This leaves me with three options that I can think of:

  1. Continue using Xfinity Mobile Voicemail for the transcribed messages, then call into my mailbox from the phone dialer when the transcription is so bad that I can't understand the message.
  2. Switch to using Samsung Visual Voicemail, which is only visual voicemail in that it provides a visual presentation of the listing of messages so I can pick which one I want to hear without navigating a series of voice prompts. This app does not provide any  transcription.
  3. Install and use a third party voicemail app and ditch both the Xfinity and the Samsung apps. Many people have posted about using YouMail or Google Voice, for example.

Does Xfinity have any intention of updating its native app to work with phones released within the last 5 years? Or does Xfinity have any inside information suggesting Samsung's app will be updated to provide transcription? This feels like I came to rely on a specific level of functionality then got deserted.




143 Messages

Also, for the record, the app details in the Google Play Store include the compatibility information you quoted above, but also indicates that this version of the app is compatibile with my


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2K Messages

Thanks for that update, @requa. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app? 

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68 Messages

@pdallen​ Same here. Been using this app for years and they suddenly dump us.



68 Messages

1 year ago

So I've been using the app for years on my s10e and suddenly I can't listen to recorded messages which at this moment are pretty important. Thanks XFinity. First the Stream app randomly freezes and crashes. Now this. What's going on over there?

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1.6K Messages

@Jimdish07 Good afternoon! Thank you for reaching out to our Community Forums Team for assistance with your voicemail app. I can see how this would be super frustrating, and I want to be sure to help you resolve this as quickly as possible. You mention you aren't able to listen to recorded messages. Are you not able to listen to voicemails at all, or just by accessing it through the app? Before we dive in to far, are there any troubleshooting steps you have already tried on your side? This is helpful to identify where we should start. 

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1 year ago

So is there a fix for this or not? For God's sake, can someone from Comcast please stick to this until the issue is resolved? What are we supposed to do, just go without voicemail? If the stupid thing can translate it, I WANT TO HEAR IT!

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Thank you for reaching out to us here @user_871fa4. I would be happy to assist with any voicemail issues from here for you. What type of device are you having those problems with?

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1 year ago

I am having the same issue. And the transcripts have so many errors that I am missing information. 

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1 year ago

Here's my latest update.   I have called xfinity at least 15 times regarding the loss of voicemail audio files.  I have spoken with four supposed supervisors.  ALL FOUR were unable to help with this issue, or to escalate the issue to anyone who could help.  ALL FOUR ended up saying they would research my issue further, and call me back.  Not ONE of the FOUR supervisors has called me back, even with set appointment times for them to call me.  One agent said he was out of ideas, and he recommended trying a new phone.  I told him it is not a phone issue, it is an xfinity issue.  He said I will send you a brand new phone for free.  I asked the guy at least five times to verify this was a FREE phone, no charge.  I reluctantly agreed but made sure I could switch back if it didn't work, because the free phone was far inferior to my Galaxy.  A couple days later, I see the first payment of 24 billed to my mobile account for the new FREE phone.  Last week, another supervisor was supposed to call me at a predetermined time as a follow-up, and they never called me.  I was available for hours before and after, knowing they can get on a long call and can't always call at the exact time.  No help, no resolution.

4 Messages

Nightmare from the Land of Misfit Toys...

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Hello, I am happy to be of assistance. Can you please send us a DM. You can start by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner of your forums' page when signed in. Once there, you can direct your messages to "Xfinity Support." Please add your full name and service address to help us locate your account. Let me know if you have any questions. 

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