Saturday, January 27th, 2024 6:37 AM

Disappointed with xfinity

Subject: Dissatisfaction with Xfinity Mobile Service and Customer Support

Dear Xfinity Mobile Customer Service,

I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the service and support provided by Xfinity Mobile. I have been a loyal customer of Xfinity Internet for quite some time, and unfortunately, my recent experience with Xfinity Mobile has been far from satisfactory.

Upon transferring my service from AT&T, I was not informed that my devices would not be eligible for insurance. This lack of disclosure led to a significant issue when one of my devices broke, rendering it unreparable without insurance coverage. Had I been properly informed initially, I would have taken steps to secure separate insurance for my devices.

The process of transferring my devices was also marred by misinformation. Despite providing IMIE numbers for all four devices, only three were successfully activated. Numerous attempts to activate the fourth device, an iPad Air, proved unsuccessful. This forced me to purchase a new device from T-Mobile, incurring an unexpected additional monthly cost.

This situation has not only impacted my finances but also left me without a working phone, hindering my ability to communicate with family and friends. Moreover, in light of my wife's current health condition, the lack of a reliable phone service has become a critical issue. Constant communication is essential, and the inability to reach me throughout the day poses a significant challenge for her family members who assist in her care.

My attempts to seek resolution by reaching out to Xfinity Mobile's customer support have been disheartening. I endured extended hold times, was transferred between agents, and faced a lack of understanding regarding my concerns. Despite expressing my status as a loyal Xfinity Internet customer, the support provided by Xfinity Mobile has been lacking.

I urge you to address these issues promptly, providing an explanation for the lack of insurance information, assisting in resolving the activation problems with the iPad Air, and reconsidering my eligibility to purchase a replacement phone. I hope that Xfinity Mobile can rectify these issues and provide the level of service and support that I have come to expect from the Xfinity brand.

[edit: PII]

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

5 months ago

@user_gxywlz I appreciate you taking time out of your day and want to ensure you’re able to get in touch with an awesome Xfinity Mobile expert to help get this resolved. Due to account security, our options with Xfinity Mobile accounts are very limited. We're unable to perform any device or account specific requests over this platform.

Have you tried texting 888-936-4968, or reached out to our secure online chat at xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile where an Xfinity Mobile expert is available 24/7?

Text Message: 888-936-4968
Phone: 888-936-4968
Chat: xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile

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