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XCAM without home security service
Can I use the XW3 and XCAM camera setup with some form of DYI software like iSpy? The cameras plug directly into the XW3 (and presumably into Xfinity's secure home network)-- I have tried connecting the camera directly to a router, but it is not recognized/picked up on my home network. If someone has done this, please share. thanks
Accepted Solution
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3 Messages
5 years ago
You can definitely use those cameras without xfinity services in a DIY project or like a baby monitor. You need to factory reset them and you need a special Y-addapter cable to be able to connect to them and configure them direclty. I have 4 of those cameras that are left over from former XH security system and I have repurposed them for my own system. Look up how to reset icam1000 or icam2, the procedure is very similar except that you have to reset the camera and the XW3 "power adapter" as well with paper clip through the pin hole. You may get lucky and be able to connect to it via WPS without Y-cable, I have not tried that though.
Official Employee
519 Messages
5 years ago
Currently, only the xCam2 can be paired to an xFi Gateway wihtout a subscription to Xfinity Home. Most of our Xfinity Stores do stock this model.
New Poster
2 Messages
5 years ago
Hi, I don't understand your answer. I am mostly just interested in recording the video from the cameras- so I can get one of these xFi Gateways and they connect to my existing network and I can connect the cameras to them rather than xfinity home? please explain more- thanks
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Thanks! I wasn't reseting the camera...just the XW3!
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Here is what it looks like:
If you don't have the XH service, hence the tablet, you can not use the app to watch the live feed from the cameras. You can reset them as described above and set up your own monitoring system with a computer that has software running like iSpy, ZoneMinder, or other ones that would allow you to use their own app for veiwing the cameras. Another option is buying a dedicated NVR, basically a box that records video from your cameras and gives you an option to view it via app or computer. Running your pc with software is the cheaper option if you have an older pc that you can dedicate specifically to this but can be a pain in the butt to set up, NVR is easier but more cost up front. The door/window sensors I have all connected to Samsung Smartthings hub, I can monitor them, get notifications, and all through that system. I don't have any wall outlets from xfinity but you can Google to see if the wall outlets are compatible with other hubs. Only thing I couldn't re-use was the motion sensor, so I bought a pack of 10 for like $50 on eBay that were universal and are compatible with my hub. I know what you mean by being tied to the whole system. It's nice when everything works together. You can definitely get off of XH and use free options that are out there, but it's not for the faint of heart. I suggest doing it only if you like to tinker with tech stuff as it will cost you many hours. But it's definitely doable
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15 Messages
5 years ago
That's exciting! I have a mix of door sensors (all xfinity) the newer take the CR2032 and others are older and take a non-wafer battery. Did you have new and/or older?
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Unless they all look identical...
But mine take CR2450 battery. It's also a button battery but looks very thick, so they usually last couple of years.
Also, the sensors are supported by Samsung Smartthings hub, but they are not natively recognized when you try to pair them. When you pair it, hub will see it and add it as just a "Thing" because it doesn't know what it is. After its added as a "Thing", log in to smartthings website/portal and there you will see it is added as something like "Smart TV" or "Samsung TV" in the drop down list. Just switch it to "Tyco door/window sensor" and it will work after that.
Frequent Visitor
15 Messages
5 years ago
Thanks for the pairing information. My sensors are much older than yours. I'm going to try and get my hand on a Samsung hub and try the oldest sensors I have. Again, MANY thanks!
1 Message
4 years ago
Well xfinity has a new service called xfinity self protect You just have to upgrade your modem to the xb7 box it’s free
1 Message
4 years ago
Do I recently canceled my service with Xfinty but now I have the home security system that I still want to use, but not sure how can I use the cameras. Do I need to download a different security and try to enter ip to the app to monitor. I’m not sure how can I still monitor using the Xfinty cameras without being a customer? Any suggestions