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8 Messages
Changing Arris TG1682G to bridge mode when XFinity Home with XCam cameras exist
My installation uses Arris TG1682G currently set in the default "router mode." This TG1682G is used with an XFinity home setup w/panel and 3 XCam cameras.
I believe the cameras are the original non-XCam2 cameras (I think they are not XCam2) because they show up in the app info as "XCam" not "XCam2" and there is no camera option in the app allowing me to pair the camera with a non-XFinity AP. The reason I say this is because...
I read another forum message about original cameras being hard-coded to look for hidden SSID configured in Xfinity AP where so-called "XCam2" cameras have more flexibility. The following is the other forum post...
I wish to change the TG1682G to bridge mode but am concerned that changing the TG1682G to bridge mode may cause issues per the following questions...
- Will reconfiguring the TG1682G to bridge mode effectively move the cameras from the private network IP space to the public network, public IP address space (i.e., making them more exposed to the outside... or are they currently/today not in the private space already)? The diag tools on TG1682G do not show the cameras so I assume they are kept hidden from the TG1682G admin user interface. This makes it hard for me to answer this question without more advanced tools.
The following forum post seems to indicate those hidden networks are still used in "bridge mode" but there is no clarification as to whether or not those hidden networks were on the private side before changing to bridge mode.
I am wondering if, when in default routing mode the hidden network is private, where changing to bridge mode makes them public... This question is asking for clarification on that point. Note, generally speaking, this is a very important to clarify regarding bridge mode vs router mode if there is a change to the home security network's privacy. - Is there a firmware update for these older XCam cameras where I can make them connect to my personal router after changing the XFinity TG1682G to bridge mode?
- Will reconfiguring the TG1682G to bridge mode cause the XFinity apps to no longer work to view the cameras from smartphone?
- What about the XFinity home security panel... what happens to it after reconfiguring the TG1682G to bridge mode?
Thanks for any insight.
Accepted Solution
Official Employee
519 Messages
3 years ago
Hi Ash3! Here are the answers to your (great) questions...
1) If you do not have a WNR1000 Security side-car router (it sounds like you don't), turning on Bridge mode will have no impact to your Xfinity Home service. The Xfinity Home SSID will continue to broadcast and remain hidden and there is no change to privacy.
2) No - only xCam2's support connecting to a personal router (the solution for customers who have their own modems but older cameras is to connect a custom WNR1000 Security router just for Xfinity home use)
3) You will still have the same functionality to the cameras through our Apps
4) The Touchscreen will continue to connect to the hidden SSID and functionality will remain the same
New Poster
8 Messages
3 years ago
@XfinityBecker I saw your informative post regarding older vs newer cameras and changing the Xfinity router/AP from routing mode to bridge mode. Do you have any thoughts on the above? Thanks.