Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 12:35 PM


Xfinity wifi not available with your tier of service

We have been Xfinity internet customers since September 01, 2021. Since, joining their plan - I was able to access Xfinity hotspots (with wifiname-xfinitywifi and also a secured wifi-XFINITY). This was true for two speeds of internet we purchased from Xfinity (75 MBPS and 200 MBPS). It was working whether we used our router or the one provided by Xfinity. 

Something strange happened after January 02, 2024. We purchased a Xfinity phone and Xfinity Mobile plan. The access to hotspot in my devices suddenly stopped and only the xfinity device we purchased had access to those hotspots. It thus limited us to use internet outside our home. 

We asked the general customer service. The solution we were suggested were: upgrade to a higher speed internet plan at additional cost. We are already using 200MBPS and its not slow. Some solutions included in the forums suggest using Xfinity router. I cannot agree with both. This is because - (i) I was accessing hotspots at lower speeds = 75MBPS; (ii) I was using hotspots with my own router; and (iii) I was also able to access hotspots when I had Xfinity provided router. 

I think there is a change in settings which the Store people changed when I purchased Xfinity Mobile plan. I want to restore it. 

I have already cancelled their mobile plan. But, still can't get access to hotspots. The error I receive is - Xfinity wifi not available with your tier of service. 

Please somebody help me with this. 

I have asked for a resolution to this problem to xfinity general customer service as well as xfinity store. Resolution tickets were created but no solution yet. The posts in the forums for similar situations are still not reliable. 

Help! Help!!



108.2K Messages

8 months ago

Concern moved here to the Customer Service help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.

6 Messages

Not resolved yet. Its a long wait

6 Messages

8 months ago

I am a Xfinity Internet Customer. I have been trying to connect to Xfinity hotspot. Everytime I try to connect, the error I receive is - "Your Wifi is not available with your tier of service". I don't know the root cause of this issue but I have spent several days connecting to Xfinity customer service but no resolution yet. 

I have tested several things, such as upgrading device, resetting device, etc. nothing works. One day, I called one of my friend who is also a Xfinity Internet customer and logged in by using his credentials. I can get access to the wifi hotspot - "xfinitywifi". 

I figured out that there's an option called - "Participate in Xfinity WiFi" in Xfinity app. This can be enabled or disabled. In my friend's app, this can be turned on or off. In my app, it's not loading. 

Can you help me to fix this? As a Xfinity customer, I should also have access to public hotspots but this option is limitting my accessibility. 

I have seen several posts regarding the error - "your Wifi is not available with your tier of service". The solutions suggested by customer care agents are upgrading to higher plan, buying xfinity equipment, etc. I cannot trust this. I know that my friend's internet plan has lower speed than mine and he can still access. Xfinity should have expert customer agents to solve this problem. As of now, the agents are only wasting my time suggesting several options to test and none working. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Xfinity app not showing Participate in Xfinity WiFi

Official Employee


2K Messages

Hi @user_zdu1g3, thank you for providing all of those great details regarding this Hotspot issue you're having, I'm in your corner and will help you until we can confirm you're able to connect. I've replied to our DM conversation and look forward to working with you more. 

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
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6 Messages

8 months ago

Resolved this problem with ease. The Xfinity customer service suggested several ways during phone call of several hours. None worked. Some even suggested upgrading to higher plan or buying mobile plans. These are all useless suggestions.

I replaced the Xfinity router with my own (from Netgear) and the hotspot working.

This is due to some settings in Xfinity router which prevented me from accessing hotspots.

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