Monday, December 16th, 2024 4:48 PM

Xfinity Mobile Sales Rep Lied about buyout promotion

On December 6th, while driving, I received a call from Xfinity Mobile sales rep. He told me Xfinity had a new promotion available that will buyout my current phone balance. I had $277.70 remaining on each line. He said I'd receive a full refund via visa gift card. That's $555.40 total refund expected. He was very convincing over the phone. The new plan was going to save me $50 a month. I figured it was time to switch from Verizon after 12 years of service and save some money. 

The service was switched with many difficulties on both sides. I went to the website to submit my receipts for reimbursement and noticed the promotion only specified a $200 per line reimbursement. before submitting the receipts I called Xfinity Customer support and they told me i was out of luck because the promotion was only for $200 per line not a full refund as told by sales rep. Xfinity sales rep will tell you anything possible to get the sale. No actions for false advertising. This is a poor practice done by the sales team. Now I'm out $155 for switching to a new phone carrier. I'm still waiting for $400 reimbursement, fingers crossed it actually arrives. 

Why do you not honor the promotions that are explained by sales reps. 


Official Employee


2K Messages

3 months ago


user_4thnhy Thank you so much for using our Forums to contact our Xfinity Support Team. We are sorry to hear about your recent experaince coming over to our Xfinity Mobile service and our team is here to work with you to make sure you get the assitance you need to take advancge of  promotion you signed up for. To get started can you send us a DM with you full name and address? Here's the detailed steps to direct message us: 
• Click "Sign In" if necessary 
• Click the "Direct Message" icon (upper right corner of this page) 
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon 
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list 
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window 
• Press Enter to send your message


Regular Visitor


5 Messages

2 months ago

I'm a 28 consecutive year customer with Comcast - a Diamond member. Which with $5.00 I can get a cup of coffee. I'm in the middle of a SIMILAR PROBLEM. This occurred in November, it's now January with no resolution. I was contacted by an Xfinity Mobile representative telling me that I could get a Smart Watch with a discount based on the rewards program. I told the agent "I don't want a watch". Through much insistence, (I should have just hung up) the agent told me that he'd lower my internet-TV BILL from $249.00 down to $175.00 for 24 months with no changes in my services. Just a special for buying a Smart Watch and having it activated. How could I go wrong with that? Pay me to take a watch, fine. I get the watch. The Samsung watch is not compatible with my Samsung Note9 phone - it's too old. Disappointed, however I don't care, I'll keep it since it was a package special with the internet discount. When I do upgrade my perfectly good Note9 I'll have a watch ready to go. So, I patiently wait for my cable bill to see my discount - lo and behold - no discount. Since I was waiting for the bill - it's over 30 days that I've had the watch. I'm now being charged the full price for the watch now since I've not activated it. Why not? It's a brick, not compatible with my phone. As it stands, I'll now have to pay $350.00 for a watch (the device) I can't use AND $10.00 per month in mobile service that I cannot use either. Delightful, start my calling campaign - internet customer to service to mobile customer service, back and forth  - 4 calls - just under 3 hours on the phone. The result, too bad pal. The best we can do is that you can return the watch and we'll credit you the $32.00 you've paid so far on fees related to the watch purchase. You can send it back at your cost. We can't send you a label - you waited too long - Mr. customer - you're such and idiot. We will give you a service credit on your mobile bill when you send us the shipping invoice. That's very nice, thank you. AND FURTHERMORE - lest you think I'm completely gullible, I did get the name, employee number as well as the phone number to the crook that sold me the smart watch. The phone message says Xfinity but they don't answer. I know where this guy lives - in the next county over. Gee, it's good thing I don't have a temper. Nonetheless I'll forward as much of this debacle to Xfinity's FRAUD department, granted it's within the company - they should care shouldn't they?

Lastly, going back to me being gullible, last year I went to my local Xfinity store to see what they could do for  me on my Internet and TV services and costs. They were really great, they gave me a lower internet rate than I'd had before, all I had to do was activate 2 more numbers on my mobile account.  I told them I don't need any more phones, no problem, they simply handed me 2 simm cards for iphones that I don't have - nor will I ever... I guess they got a good commission on the numbers even though they don't cost me anything. I use the by the gig mobile plan, they're listed but of course use no data. At least I saved on my internet bill until Xfinity changes it all again, I think that's monthly, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month if I remember correctly The agents just manipulate the system to their liking. 

2 Messages

1 month ago

Hi had similar issue. They also scammed me with the $400 reimbursement, they made so many excuses to where I had to resubmit the documents over and over and now conveniently the 30 days after I signed up has passed and they're rejected my submission. I tried to talk to someone from promotions but the best I've been able to do is talk to someone on their main number and all they do is "add notes to my file." I am assuming I am not the only one this has happened to. There needs to be a class lawsuit. 

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