Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 2:40 PM

X-Class in Seattle area

Can someone on the inside give us a rough timeline for when X-class will be deployed in the Seattle area?

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

5 months ago

Hi there, @user_lrkrhb! Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Community Forum! We don't have a list to share on deployment, but we can check to see if you are currently eligible. Please send a direct message to us by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section. Please include your full name and complete street address. Thanks! 



25 Messages

3 months ago

I heard it won’t be until the end of 2025 that the whole Seattle area will have it. I live in Buckley and Xfinity is installing new fiber lines close to my house on Ryan Road, the main road by my housing development. The mid split upgrades where our upload speeds will increase will happen for everyone in the area by April 2025. My plan will increase to 2GB download and 300 upload by April 



25 Messages

3 months ago

I found out Xfinity has not done any fiber installation. It was for Astound Broadband to put fiber for Rainier School that is up the street from my house.



3 Messages

16 days ago

I just got X-Class service installed today in Seattle. There is a problem though if you want to exceed 1 gb service on an ethernet LAN.

Apparently the new gateways for the X-Class service are not yet available, so Comcast has jerry rigged a solution that combines a XD-4 modem and a XB8 gateway as the router.

The problem is with the XB8 gateway port restrictions. There are 4 ports, but 3 are 1gb and only one is 2.5gb. Since the modem/gateway combination requires an input to the gateway from the modem, this uses the only 2.5gb port and there is not one to connect from the gateway (which assigns the IP addresses) to the main network switch.

My installer tells me that the integrated gateway for the X-Class service will be available in a few weeks, so that should take care of the problem.

Xfinity doesn't seem to be aware of this restriction, so hopefully someone on their team will see this post and get the word out so that customers are forewarned and installers/customers aren't taking half a day to figure it out.

4 Messages

Can anyone from Xfinity support give some timelines for Seattle area deployments? I'm in Kent and would love to know. The minute I get fiber here I'd switch unless Xfinity did something.

Official Employee


2.3K Messages

Hello, @user_lrkrhb

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? To send a direct message:

1. In the top right corner, you'll see a little chat icon near the bell icon. Click the direct message icon

2. Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon

3. In the 'To' line, type "Xfinity Support" there. A drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list (an "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line)

4. Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window

5. Press Enter to send it. An official employee, such as myself or whoever is first available, will respond. Thanks!



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11 Messages

@duck9000​ I don't have x-class service available in my area yet (only mid-splits), but I don't believe the single 2.5gb ethernet port is a restriction on x-class service.  The internet wan port is your coax from the docsis network, correct?  The 2.5gb port can be bridge to a router or connected to a switch within your network.  As far as I have seen the highest speeds x-class will support initially is just 2gbps symmetrical which that 2.5gb ethernet port should support.  Am I missing something here?

I believe the reason xb8 wont work is because it is a Docsis 3.1 capable modem (not Docsis 4.0).  Initially, the combined cable modem + router configuration XB10 is what is the final solution for x class, but the modem is not widely available yet per my understanding so temporarily they have this cable modem only that fulfills the docsis 4.0 connection which you can use xb8 as a internal router and wifi for your network.


4 Messages

@XfinityThomasC​ Thanks I've just sent the message. Didn't get notified about this reply.

4 Messages

@duck9000​ Can you tell me which neighborhood you are in? I assume Comcast is prioritizing the core Seattle area and then moving to suburbs.

5 Messages

7 days ago

How do I directly message the Xfinity support team? I don't see a chat icon at the top right next to the bell. I attached a small screen snip of what I see.

Official Employee


1.3K Messages

@user_3jqeu1 thank you for using the Xfinity Support Community Forums page to reach out. I understand that you are trying to get in touch with someone today, what exactly can we assist you with?

I am an Official Xfinity Employee.
Official Employees are from multiple teams within Xfinity: CARE, Product, Leadership.
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109.1K Messages

7 days ago


Be advised that sending an unrequested direct message to the support team is a violation of their forum guidelines. It may get ignored.

Please see this post about direct messaging the support team;


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