Hi there, @user_7vczzj! Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Community Forum! That is certainly a long time to have the same equipment! There are options to get new devices. The quickest way would be to take the boxes and power cords to your local XFINITY Store, hours and locations can be found here : https://www.xfinity.com/local/store-offers and they will provide you new ones. We can also ship them to you if you prefer. You mentioned professional installation in the title there, that is also an option if needed.
108.3K Messages
19 days ago
Concern moved here to the Customer Service help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
19 days ago
Hi there, @user_7vczzj! Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Community Forum! That is certainly a long time to have the same equipment! There are options to get new devices. The quickest way would be to take the boxes and power cords to your local XFINITY Store, hours and locations can be found here : https://www.xfinity.com/local/store-offers and they will provide you new ones. We can also ship them to you if you prefer. You mentioned professional installation in the title there, that is also an option if needed.