2 Messages
Unwanted Speed/Price Increase
We are fixed income/low income. That was why we got the $9.95 plan because we cannot afford anything else. Suddenly there is a speed increase in 2025 so we need to pay more? This is not okay, none of us asked for this and we will be canceling if this is not changed. After 13 years of this program not changing, this is just out of touch entirely. Fixed income folks cannot afford an increase even at $5 a month, and either way it should be offered as an OPTIONAL UPGRADE. Very disappointing considering we need to have internet for my child’s school but now we can’t afford it.
108.3K Messages
25 days ago
Concern moved here to the Customer Service help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
25 days ago
Hello user_xm5lgs, I can understand where you're coming from, a higher bill is never fun to see. Especially coming out of the holidays. It sounds like you might be referring to the Internet Essentials program, which is a great way to bring our service to our customers. I'm so glad we participate in that program, I know it helps a ton of households. This is the first price increase for Internet Essentials since it launched in 2011 and more fully reflects the comprehensive and improved value of the service. Would you be open to reviewing your account with me to find any available options?