amajw1's profile

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3 Messages

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 3:28 AM


Root Sports

Moving RootvSports to a more expensive tv package is an outrage!  It’s not cost cutting for those of us who rely on access to RootvSports to view the Mariners, Kraken, etc. 

if you want to cut costs how about coming up with a package that drops all the unwatchable channels that it you force us to buy in order to get the real channels we want to watch, like Root Sports. 
FuboTV here I come!

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Root Sports being dropped from Popular TV package

8 Messages

11 months ago

Outrageous that they can change their terms but you are held to your contract.



10 Messages

11 months ago

That’s it in a nutshell!  Well said!!

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