Friday, September 8th, 2023 3:24 PM


RE: Guaranteed Appointment times

I live down Nelson branch road in Lesage West Virginia. A house two houses down from me has Xfinity Wi-Fi, but they never wired it up to extend the rest of the road, which is literally 3 more houses. I know these people personally, as I am one of them, and I know that we would pay the price for premium Xfinity Wi-Fi. I would like to speak with someone to figure out how these lines could be extended just three more houses down to cover all the homes down Nelson Branch.

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Official Employee


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1 year ago

Hey, @Carol_s57 . Thanks for the additional information. We'd be happy to check if we can make your location serviceable. Could you please send our team a Direct Message with your full name and service address? Our team can take a further look at this issue.


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