1 Message
New construction
I have a new home under construction. Need everything set up for internet such as new cable to run into home, etc. have had multiple techs come that say they can’t do the job. Will cancel service if can’t set up internet.
1 Message
I have a new home under construction. Need everything set up for internet such as new cable to run into home, etc. have had multiple techs come that say they can’t do the job. Will cancel service if can’t set up internet.
108K Messages
4 months ago
Concern moved here to the Customer Service help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Official Employee
300 Messages
4 months ago
Hi @user_k7ztk6
Thank you for reaching out to us today over our Xfinity Community Forums! Please remember that sending unsolicited direct messages to an Official Employee of the Xfinity Help & Support Forums is a violation of Forum Guidelines. It really helps us if you create a new post on the forum first, and then send a direct message.
In the future, we ask that you please only ever post your question on the most appropriate public forum board and remain patient. If needed, our team will invite you to send us a direct message. Sending unsolicited direct messages to our team, any Official Employee, or any Xfinity Forum user does violate our Xfinity Forum Guidelines and our Xfinity Forum Acceptable Use Policy. Please remember, by having an account and utilizing these forums, you have already agreed to the rules, policies, and guidelines contained within those documents as well as any other posted documents throughout the community. While we would never want to get to that point with any user, violations to those posted documents could result in a revocation of a user's Xfinity Forum posting privileges.
The nature of our Forums involves the community working together to help each other out so that more people with similar concerns can receive assistance at once rather than everyone simply sending us direct/private messages for assistance.
However, since you already sent your information in a DM, we will continue to assist you through there.