2 Messages
I'm trying to order a network extender pod but keep getting an error
I ordered one a couple weeks ago and it works fine but we're going to need a second one, but when I try to order, I select the pod and sign on but then get an error saying the service is not currently available and to try again later. I've tried three times on three different days this week with the same error. I've tried ordering through the app, and through the website using Chrome on two different devices with the same result. Any idea what could be causing this? Supply issues, damage to some facility or another from the hurricanes, some software error, something else? I'd like to order the pod, but won't be able to until this is figured out
108.8K Messages
4 months ago
Concern moved here to the Customer Service help section for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
4 months ago
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