1 Message
How to convert my existing Netflix account to the Comcast StreamSaver bundle?
I have an existing Netflix account directly from Netflix and have recently subscribed to your Comcast Stream Saver Bundle.
What do I need to do to convert my existing Netflix account to the new Comcast bundle?
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
8 months ago
3 Messages
5 months ago
After I signed up for StreamSaver, I got an email with the link the activate my services, and then get a message that says "We're sorry, your account isn't eligible for this offer" on all three streaming services.
New Poster
2 Messages
4 months ago
I just did an online chat with a Xfinity rep about this exact same subject, and I was told that I WOULD HAVE TO CANCEL my existing Netflix and Apple TV subscriptions. Which one of you doesn't know what you're talking about?