1 Message
I'm approved & received an application ID number through the National Verifier. However, my applications to Xfinity were denied THREE times. This is obviously an issue on Xfinity end and it is extremely frustration for the qualified customers.

109K Messages
4 years ago
Concern moved here for greater exposure to actual Comcast employees.
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
4 years ago
Thank you for reaching out to us via our forums @Tvo20. Having to apply multiple times for your EBB Program would be frustrating indeed and never something we want for you to experience. Would would love to investigate your account deeper with you and make sure to provide you with the proper resolution. Would you please send us a private message with your full name and your complete address? Just hit the chat icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen, click "new message", type "Xfinity Support" and select that profile to message us so we can assist you and keep your information private.
1 Message
4 years ago
I can’t get a straight answer regarding EBB program. I applied for EBB thru the National Verifier. I was approved and received an application ID number. When I applied with Xfinity and immediately received an email recording my EBB application with $0 charge. The next day I received an email from Xfinity that stated there was an error with my application. I called customer service and was told to reapply. I’ve now spoken to approximately 9 people within 10 days & I keep being told to reapply. The internet essential department was reset twice on my application and I wait for 2 more days each time, and the result was rejected. I reapply by myself 2nd time from the Xfinity website. I received the same rejected applications from Xfinity. A total of 4 rejected emails. I requested to speak with the manager, and the agent said the manager will call me back in 5-10 minutes. I waited for an hour no one called me back. I attempted to call back and spoke with a different agent, he told me to reapply again. I requested to speak with his manager. He told me they all in the meeting. I did not agree with him, and he put me on hold forever. The agents also told me to contact the FCC. I called the FCC and provided the National Verifier ID number. They checked the systems and told me I was approved the EBB program. They also give me the call number in case Xfinity has any questions regarding this issue. I’m so frustrated with this. I am eligible and approved thru the National Verifier (government program) but Xfinity doesn’t honor the federal benefit to the customer. Please help!!!!
6 Messages
4 years ago
Do you by chance qualify through a dependent? If so, try applying through Comcast again if you haven't already done so. I qualify through my son and my application kept getting denied through Comcast because they were saying I either had to apply with the national verifier, my application with the national verifier is over 90 days, or I have the EBB benefit through another provider. Neither of those things are true. After speaking with the national verifier, they told me that Comcast needs to add my son's information to their application before it would register that I qualify. A few days ago, I spoke to a supervisor with Internet Essentials (they are the ones handling the EBB) and told him what the national verifier said about my son needing to be added to the application. He informed me that Comcast was working on updating their application for you to be able to add your dependent.
I just re-applied today, 6/4/21, and the application this time asked if I was qualified on my own or through a dependent. It never used to say that, believe me I know, I have been applying every 2 days since May 18. Once I checked that I qualify through my dependent, the application then opened up to input my son's information. I received an email stating my Xfinity application was approved on 6/5 and the benefit was applied to my account on 6/6.
3 Messages
4 years ago
All I know is that I have applied and been approved and qualified through the Lifeline National Verifier site (Emergency Broadcast Benefit) for a month now, yet every single time I then apply at the Xfinity site, I get an email from them stating "we could not completely process your EBB application at this time" because "you must first complete your eligibility application with the National Verifier before completely your enrollment application for the EBB program through Xfinity". I have provided screen shots and copies of email to Xfinity showing I am approved and qualified for this benefit, but Xfinity can't seem to do anything with it no matter how many times I call in and explain the situation to them. Very frustrating!!
38 Messages
4 years ago
I was approved in May and issued the credit for the months of May,June and July.
I received an Email from Comcast saying that I dis enrolled which I never did so I got in touch with Comcast immediately and was told it was the FCC delaying the credit and to wait and keep checking my online account.
This is all the result of an email from Comcast.
Can you please help straighten this out.
I have every date and name if you need it.