Friday, August 9th, 2024 11:18 PM

Customer Service

As a long-term Xfinity customer, I am beyond frustrated.

More than 4 weeks ago I began contacting Xfinity about an issue with one of their main cables hanging outside a TN facility where I am working. (not a drop)

I provided a future date of August 13th when that specific cable will become a hazard and might incur damage. I am trying to prevent that from happening.

The local power company for that area and a competing cable provider had the same line challenges. Both were very responsive and immediately put me in touch with personnel to assist me and save themselves repairs or affecting public safety.

I am on my 4th ECM "service ticket", each with multiple added notes depending on yet another low-level customer support who said they understood the seriousness of the issue and promised to "escalate" the ticket with someone who would call me. No calls.

The 3rd  ticket had more than (8) different Xfinity employees who added their specific notes to the ECM ticket. Yesterday, I was advised it needed to be closed and a new one opened because it was more than 14+ days old without resolution. Someone from the technical side was supposed to call me in 30-60 minutes. Nothing.

I can understand a couple calls trying to get to the right person. But right now, I feel like it is Groundhog Day.

At this point I have done what I can. Next Tuesday we will see if what I think will happen will. I can tell you, the (2) other providers will not have any issues.


Official Employee


1.2K Messages

2 months ago

Hi @user_disfqc Thank you for visiting our official Xfinity Forums Community support page. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience regarding the cable lines needing to be moved. I would be more than happy to offer my assistance looking into this further for you.

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue..

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