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Sunday, October 6th, 2024 5:32 AM

Comcast Service continuity and reliability.

I am a Comcast subscriber for 20+ years.  During this time, I have been a "victim" of dozens, if not hundreds, of Comcast outages. They may last 1-3 hours or up to 12 hours. I can claim credit for the service outages, but that is not my concern.  My concern is the repetitive problems that plague subscribers in the "Charleston Service Area".  Why are these problems continuing to hit us? What is going on, or not going-on at the leadership offices of Comcast?  I don't blame the "service crews" that travel the area responding to calls for service. I'm sure they are doing what they can; unfortunately, what they are doing does not, I don't believe, receive the support of management in this area.  One very smart man defined idiocy as, "Doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting different results".  Again, I don't blame the service crews for the problems I complain about, it's the leadership.  The leadership in this area commits the same mistakes and expects different results. I have seen this for 20 years, and the problems never change, because no one in a position of responsibility does anything to make it change.
It's like adding 2 + 2 and expecting to have an answer of 5.  That will never happen.  But, from my experience, this is what Comcast leadership seems to be doing.  Month after month, year after year, we have the same problems with picture quality and continuity.  If the repair work was being done seriously and correctly, would we have such problems? I think not.   We continue to have these problems because leadership continues to make repairs that don't work.  For whatever reason, they just don't get it; they try the same things over and over again that didn't work the first time, and can't work this time, because they are doing it completely wrong.  And for whatever reason, they don't have the imagination or the awareness that something different might work better. It couldn't work any worse, could it?
What is the problem? Is it defective equipment? Is it obsolete equipment?  Is the equipment well-maintained?  Are crews well-trained? Does equipment and computer software receive updates and upgrades when necessary? Is old or defective equipment replaced when it shows excessive wear and tear? Are problems ignored because the replacement parts are unavailable or don't arrive on time?
I have posted on Comcast's Facebook page several times, without effect.  I wasn't expecting any change, I merely wondered if Comcast might read what I wrote and respond to it; apparently not. I wonder how many posts have appeared in this Forum and on the Comcast Facebook page complaining about Comcast quality as to their field problem resolution, home equipment calls, and other types of complaints?
I wonder if the leadership at Comcast has the same problems as I do when their home-based cable line goes dead? I wonder if their problem gets solved quicker than mine?  I wonder what might happen if thousands of subscribers of all types were to post complaints all at the same time?  As they say in the "old-time movies", "the switchboard blew up".
As for myself, I am close to cancelling my landline phone and internet options and continue with the cable service.  I am so fed up with Comcast's inability support its subscribers with "first-rate service", I am switching my phone and internet service to another provider.  At least 2 out of 3 will work.  When will Comcast "wake up" and offer its subscribers the service quality they are paying for? That's not going to happen unless/until Comcast is faced with a significant loss of its subscribership, meaning when the money goes away.  If a large number of Comcast subscribers were to form a coordinated effort to make their demands known to the Comcast leadership, things would change; they would have to.  It appears this is the one factor that can change anything, mostly causing people to lose their positions of management, due to the loss of subscribers and income.

But, I could be wrong! 

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