

10 Messages

Friday, August 12th, 2022 5:17 PM


Been waiting for Service.... new construction

I was told I could get service -- hence why I have an account.  I've been waiting approximately 1 month.

I live on a Boulevard -- however the new construction side of the boulevard has been named Parkway instead.   This is probably why there is confusion.  I need help with this as soon as possible.

I have a ticket [edited ticket number for privacy]  I was given by a support rep, please help

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2 Messages

2 years ago

Three service tickets, numerous calls, being told last week that survey was complete, project approved and just waiting for funding, but today Xfinity officially blew me off. 
The 8 completed homes and 4 under construction, do not rate spending the money to bury the line.  We will have to wait till the 20-30 proposed homes are under construction to get service. 

The homes directly across the street, and the entire neighborhood down the street are already connected.

AT&T, Verizon and Spectrum state they do not service our area, it is a Comcast area, so we are screwed.

Thanks a bunch!!!

New Problem Solver


617 Messages

Hey @user_238e55


I appreciate you sharing your experience with us! We're sad to hear the outcome of your recent requests and I would be more than happy to look into the past tickets and see what other details we can provide if any! Please send me a Direct Message so that I can gather some account details. 

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 • Click "Sign In" if necessary
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 • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
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 • Press Enter to send your message

I no longer work for Comcast.

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10 Messages

2 years ago

Three tickets, numerous phone calls and messages later, Xfinity officially blew me off today.   Even though I was told last week that the survey was completed and approved, just waiting for funding, today I was told the 8 completed homes on my street and the 4 under construction do not rate the work to lay the cable.  The 12 homes across the street, along with the entire neighborhood down the street are already hooked up.  We will have to wait until the next couple of streets are ready to be built!

Cannot get Spectrum, AT&T or any other internet provider because our area is serviced by Comcast.  

Thanks for NOTHING!

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

@user_ab0aa6 I completely hear where you are coming from, not having services can be frustrating; especially when we rely on them for so much in our daily routine. I do have some good news. We did get an update this afternoon, and we are a go for construction with no expense to you at this time. I will continue to work with you in DM, to keep you in the loop on progress. I hope this update helps! 

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10 Messages

Thank you!  Do you have any time frame available?



10 Messages


Ten days ago you told me my street is a go for cable.  This was after my third ticket.  I have been waiting since the second week of July.  I have submitted three tickets, was told the Survey was completed on 8/5/22!   Today, I received another automated message stating you do not service my area!!  I was sent to a web page to enter information about my subdivision that has questions only a builder can answer!  Blowing me off again is ELDER ABUSE!  Why should I have to do this?  I have already emailed my closing papers with my street name three times! The cable is buried 20 feet from my front door.  Engineer for the City of Winder states it only need accessed and connected to my house!  All other services state they cannot offer me service as this is a Comcast neighborhood!!!  I feel I am being discriminated against because I live in the 55+ part of this subdivision.  All other streets already have Xfinity!  Age discrimination!

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

@user_ab0aa6. I promise this has nothing to do with age or what type of community. The city is not one to say what is needed and cables being laid down are not enough to know what is needed to connect everything and is done in many neighborhoods as a pre install for future service which could be a long time away. .The plant connection is almost 1000 feet away and that is a decent amount of work. I am going to inquire with the local for more details and what we can do and let you know. 

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Thank you.  It is extremely frustrating to get different answers from every person.  A few of my neighbors have been getting the same run around.  The City of Winder Engineer for the Water Department assured me that the orange conduit was laid at the same time as the other utilities.



105.7K Messages

2 years ago

Concern moved here to the Customer Service help section for greater exposure to actual Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

2 years ago

@user_ab0aa6 Good morning! Thank you for reaching out to our Community Forums Team for assistance. I would be honored to take a look into your ticket, and provide you with any updates we have received from our local team. To get started, can you please DM your name and full service address? 


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2 Messages


Hello again Kassie.  Thank you for responding to my concerns.  My first ticked was placed five weeks ago.  Do you have any updates for the project?  Please advise.

Official Employee


455 Messages

Hello @mopow496 and thank you for reaching out over our community forums page. I would be happy to see if there are any updates for the tickets that have been created. Before we get started, could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue. To send a "Peer to peer" ("Private") message:

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• Press Enter to send it

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10 Messages

Hello Robert, my ticket number, opened on 7/14, HS3000125, is hopefully still open.  I had 2 previous tickets opened and closed after an automated response.  I would like to know if you have any updates on when I might be connected. A few of my neighbors have given up and signed up for satellite, but I want faster internet

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

The latest update on your request states that the survey has been completed and shows construction is required which will not be any cost to the customer. The coordinator out there has sent off the design to construction. There is no ETA at this time but average time for those extensions is 60-90 days. 

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10 Messages

2 years ago

I was contacted by an Xfinity Rep yesterday, and was told that it would be 8 to 9 months before they would run lines to my house.  Stated the builder did not contact Xfinity during construction.  According to the City of Winder Rep today, the orange conduit IS already in place.  Why will it take 9months to run the line from the front of my house to the cables on the outside of my house?

Last week, I was told the survey was completed, the project was approved, and was waiting for funding.



10 Messages

2 years ago

Imagine my surprise!!  Just received my fifth automated call stating Xfinity does not service my area, however, several weeks ago, after the survey, my project and funding were approved.  Cannot get a straight answer from anyone.  On Friday, after the 4th blow off call, I was told by Matt in Customer service, that I was guaranteed a phone call from a HUMAN within 24 hours.  Of course, that did not happen.  All of the homes directly across the street have Xfinity already. Those pedestals are less than 300 feet from my front door.  The City of Winder states the orange conduit was laid with the other utilities, and the cable access is less than 25 feet from my front door.  My neighbors are receiving the same runaround.

I am unable to get service from AT&T, Spectrum, Cox, etc, because my neighborhood is designated Comcast/Xfinity.  All of the other homes in this neighborhood already have Xfinity.

What a Crock!  Apparently the $1200 to $3600 that we in this 55+ community, on my side of the street, would be paying per month is not enough!



1 Message

2 years ago

I have been waiting on construction for over a month now as well. I was told the survey was done. I kept getting the run around for several weeks at first. Between the customer service on the phone and the local xfinity office, I kept getting different answers and nobody knows what the heck they are talking about. I am in a new home along with several new tenants, and we are all waiting for something to happen. The rest of the subdivision seems to get to go on with there lives and we are struggling to come up with ways to get high speed data since xfinity is the only real player in our neighborhood. Can someone actually provide a real timeframe on completion and stop spinning people in circles.

Official Employee


232 Messages

Hello, @riceadrian04. I can definitely understand your frustration with getting services up and running at your new house. I would be happy to look into this further for you. 

Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address?
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 - As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list
 - An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it

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10 Messages

@riceadrian04​ good luck!  My next door neighbor also had a survey completed during the first week of September.  She was also given a 60-90 day window.  I will believe it when I see it!   I started contacting xfinity during the second week of July, had a survey completed first week of August, was waiting for service, then received an automated call stating my neighborhood is not in their coverage area.  This should be news to you he neighbors directly across the street, as they have had service for over 2 years!  Different answer from EVERY customer service agent!!



10 Messages

@user_ab0aa6​ still no answer 8 weeks later

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