Friday, March 28th, 2025 6:52 PM

bad buisness practices

Here is a detailed account of our interaction with customer rep during a phone call to Xfinity Customer services on March 26,2025.

We called to inquire if any discounts or specials were currently available with the slim chance of possibly lowering our bill.

We were falsely informed by the Xfinity rep as to what was available and how it would be implemented.


She told us that a discount to our current bill was available and also informed us that no service changes/disruptions would occur if this discount was applied she stated “everything would remain exactly as is now”.


As a matter of fact she stated numerous times that there would be no loss to our current channel lineup or premium services when we asked specifically if we would lose certain channels she said “no changes”.


These are Fraudulent Business practices as she did not tell truth of what we were being presented with and what the consequences of any change would entail.


She Didn’t inform us that we currently have the best deal and there are no comparable discounts or specials available at the current time.


Instead told us a discount was available with no loss to current service or channels.


We were not informed we had a legacy contract and any changes would negate that contract and we would not be able to undo those changes even though we were falsely informed of what was available as far as discounts or specials.


Never informed of what effect the acceptance of any changes would have on our current service.


We did not agree to any change in our current channel lineup or premium services and would not have voluntarily given up current contract for a lesser service with no comparable monetary savings.


She assured us that nothing was going to be deleted from our  current service plan we asked multiple times and was specific to the services we currently had and multiple times was assured there would be no changes to current channel lineup and premium services.


As a result of this so called applied discount all the premium services we had under our current contract have been deleted from our plan and are no longer available. When we called to find out what happened to our premium channels we were then informed they are not part of our "new " package that our previous plan was a legacy plan and could not be reinstated.

In the interim we have spoken to numerous customer reps explained our situation trying to clear up the situation, we ended up being past on from rep to rep with and promise of a possible solution along with call back and resolution to our problem.

Still waiting for the call back.


I Have been a loyal Comcast/Xfinity customer for over 30 years never missed a payment and  to be treated with such deception is unconscionable.

Official Employee


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3 days ago


user_shu9lu Can you please send us a DM. You can start by clicking the chat icon located in the top right corner of your forums' page when signed in. Once there, you can direct your messages to "Xfinity Support." Please add your full name and service address to help us locate your account. Let me know if you have any questions. 


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