

4 Messages

Friday, November 26th, 2021 8:53 PM



For several years I had the original style Digital Transport Adapter(DTA). The remote control had COMCAST on it to identify the remote.

With a Setup 991 and doing the channel up it found the code to turn off/on my 37 year old Sears TV. It found the code after pressing the channel up button 431 times.

With a Setup 990 then press 1 2 3 4 5  buttons the LED showed a code of 10159 was the code to turn on/off the TV.

A few days ago the power unit for the DTA failed, Comcast said they don't have power units for the original DTA. They gave me a new style DTA with an XR2 remote.

If I do Setup 991 and do the channel up it didn't find the code. I discovered on the 319th press of the channel up the green LED blinked twice. This tells me the XR2 has only 318 valid codes.

If I do SETUP 10154 the LED blinks twice. (As a test)

If I do SETUP 990 then press 1 2 3 4 5 buttons the LED shows a code of 10154. (code 10154 was saved in XR2 memory)

If I do SETUP 10159 the LED blinks twice but never gets saved in the XR2 remote memory.

If I do SETUP 990 then press 1 2 3 4 5 buttons the LED still shows a code of 10154. (code 10159 was not saved in XR2 memory)

It looks like the XR2 has at least 100 less valid TV codes than the original COMCAST remote.

I am hoping a Comcast Technician can try the above test and verify TV code 10159 can't be saved in XR2 memory. If it can be saved then that says something is wrong with my XR2 remote. But my XR2 remote has no problem finding the TV code to turn on a Panasonic TV, a Sears TV and a Sanyo TV. Outside of the on/off, mute, volume not working the XR2 has 100% functionality.

I am wondering if there is a backdoor software SETUP xxx code to force code 10159 into the XR2 remote memory?

I assume a Comcast Technician would have access to a list of every valid TV code that is in the XR2 remote list.

Problem Solver


511 Messages

3 years ago

Please see if this video is of any help in getting your TV tp pair with the remote:




4 Messages


Programming the XR2 is extremely simple but if the XR2 doesn't support TV code 10159 it just won't work.

Comcast provides simple instructions to program a remote:

Setup and 5 digit tv code.

Setup 990 1 2 3 4 5 to verify the 5 digit code has been saved in XR2 memory.

Setup 991 Channel Up pressed to cycle thru all the valid codes in the XR2 memory to find a code that turns off/on the TV.

The youTube video basically shows how to program the XR2 using the simple instructions Comcast provides to program a remote.

Thanks for the video.

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