madrose26's profile



1 Message

Sunday, October 20th, 2024 10:33 PM

Will you Xfinity make a deal with CHSN soon?


I need CHSN to watch my chicago bulls. Make a deal soon!!!

A long time customer, 




100 Messages

5 months ago

Short answer:  no.

I said a few weeks ago this had the potential to be really ugly.  It’s even surpassed that.



206 Messages

5 months ago

have you reached out to the network demanding that they get a deal done?

2 sides here, make sure you reach out to the network as well



100 Messages

They’ve been deflecting and asking people to contact Comcast.  But yes, I’ve contacted CHSN through their Twitter as well as sent DMs to Comcast.

The thing is the onus shouldn’t be on us as consumers to demand anything from either company.  Both of them are going to dig their heels in until one of them caves to the other.



206 Messages

@sriv94​ welcome to 2024, it's how it is now.... if you recognize it early then you use the strategy to get what you want

keep pestering both sides



100 Messages

You have two companies at loggerheads.  What we say to one or the other isn’t likely to make a dent.

I look at all the “Get CHSN on my TV or I’m cutting the cord/going elsewhere!” threats on here and see that they’re not making much of an impact.

It’ll happen eventually (probably), but a lot of good will on both sides has already been torched.



668 Messages

You would think that most of the risk would be with Comcast. The longer they wait, some people will make good their threats

and go elsewhere. Once you leave , I can only imagine the aggravation of trying to get a refund (since we pay in advance).

And setting up a new service is not necessarily easy either. The point being, you would not be coming back to Comcast anytime soon-even

if they get CHSN.

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