mbg71's profile



23 Messages

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 5:00 AM



I just received a notice from Comcast that they are removing TCM, Turner Classic Movies, from all current packages and moving it to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?    What possible logic is there to that brilliant change?  TCM is widely viewed by many Comcast subscribers on their regular packages--NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE!  I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.    Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

Comcast changed TCM to the Sports Package without even notifying me in advance - I got a notice sahying that my account number would be changed on Oct. 11, but nothing about TCM.  I just did not show up this morning.  I will pay the extra fee (if it is not too large) since, unlike many of those posting on this topic, I watch sports as well as TCM.  If anyone is seriously considering cutting the cable, refer to https://flixed.io.  If your are concerned about the monoply Comcast exercises over cable services in your area, the reason may be that Comcast or a subsisiary or affiliate functions under a franchise granted by some governmental entity which did not retain the right to exercise any control over the franchisee - you may want to research this and contact the governmental entity or officials involved.

Or like me, you can just "pay the two dollars" 


New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I'm out. Last straw from Comcast. And for what we pay, ALL channels should be HD

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Please explain the thought process behind this change what does OLD MOVIES have to do with sports ?? My mother is 90 yrs old and does not watch sports but she faithfully watches TCM ! I am now considering canceling our cable and finding another company !!!

Regular Visitor


9 Messages

5 years ago

This will speed my cut the cable time frame. Past time to dump cable. 

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

5 years ago

They want more money of course.

Frequent Visitor


19 Messages

5 years ago

We pay well over $100 per month for already a bunch of channels we never watch (including sport channels). TCM was one of the channels we watched all the time. So now, just to get TCM, we have to pay an additional $9.99 per month for an additional bunch of sport channels we would never watched... Doesn't make any sense... Hey Comcast are you listening? Are you trying to get rid of your customers...

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Well, Comcast, this is the most awesomely twisted plan you've devised yet for holding longtime customers over a barrel. TCM has, of course, nothing to do with sports beyond occasional airings of "Pride of the Yankees" or "Knute Rockne All American." But it has a fiercely devoted and thus extortable following. Why not just say that, in so many words, rather than concoct insulting tales like "No one is watching it" or "TCM requested the change"? Just tell us that, out of all the useless and redundant channels we pay hundreds for (plus internet that might drop out at any moment), you've successfully identified the one network we can't live without and held it for ransom. Don't you-know-what on us and tell us it's raining. What a thing to wake up to - "TCM Not Authorized." Next, all the sports channels will be probably moved to an HBO package. Incredible.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I totally agree about the total disregard of customer concern in this switch of TCM to a sports package!  I wrote the CEO about this.  INSANE!

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

How about lowering my bill when you remove channels!! TCM is removed but my bill stayed the same

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I'm so livid I can't think.  I just "love" how some of the Comcast reps. are so pleasant and ALWAYS mention that we are such loyal, long-standing customers of over 40 years, etc.  "Let's see how I can help you reduce the cost of your plan."  Oh, then they find a plan that's a few dollars less for two years.  However, the reps are just doing their jobs and what they are told to do.  This company does NOT care about anything but  making money.  Shame on Comcast for not truly caring about their loyal customers, as well as other customers who always pay their bills on time.  None of anyone's comments will make a difference about TCM or other Comcast matters.  Thanks for the opportunity to vent!

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

How many people watch the many Polish or other foreign language channels? I am sure the viewership is far less.  The only reason we pay for the extra channels beyond basic is for TCM.  We will be cancelling as soon as contractually possible.  Actually, there is no reason to pay for the extra channels now. Paying the cancellation fee is cheaper.



23 Messages

5 years ago

I have never in my life seen a corporation care less about customer satisfaction.  There is no explanation for Comcast changing TCM to a sports package other than greed and taking advantage of folks who enjoy older, collectible, classic films.  Profit motivation and greed--that is what it is all about.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Yeah!   First they got rid of my kids favorite channel, Sprout, and now they are getting rid of one of my favorite channels.   I already pay Comcast almost $200 a month for my "Triple Play" whatever.   I am not going to pay extra for TCM, a channel I have watched as a part of a basic cable package since the 1980s.   I might be time to move to a different TV solution.



New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago


Great move.

I've never commented or posted anywhere but when I went to see what was on TCM and saw "Not Authorized" I thought it was a mistake. When I found out what happened I had to comment.

You know that putting TCM into a sports package is just wrong. I believe that more folks are watching the COMMERCIAL FREE movies on TCM than you indicate, and you can take that any way you want. I prefer watching TCM rather than the smutty, phony, and "action for morons" movies that Hollywood is producing now. I'm not paying for sports that I wont watch, I have enough sports.  I've been a Comcast TV customer since the Prism days and I have a family member working for Comcast but I'm researching Fios (UGH) and others and will switch if it's remotely feasible.  Not just for TCM but for the principle. I think that putting movies in a sports package to make more money is insulting to your customers and I hope a good many feel as I do.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Just talked to Comcast rep.  Supposedly TCM decided to go to a "higher tier" so was put on the Sports package.  Very disappointing.  Plus I still get TCM channel charged on my bill even though I will no longer get it.  Rep says the Sports package would cost $9.99 extra per month!  No way!  I'm going to see if maybe Amazon will offer TCM on its Amazon Video streaming.

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