mbg71's profile



23 Messages

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 5:00 AM



I just received a notice from Comcast that they are removing TCM, Turner Classic Movies, from all current packages and moving it to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?    What possible logic is there to that brilliant change?  TCM is widely viewed by many Comcast subscribers on their regular packages--NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE!  I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.    Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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4 Messages

5 years ago

90% of customers watch less than 2 movies a month..... I find that hard to believe.... did Comcast forget to include all the retired senior citizens in their study, the one's  who love old movies??  You claim the move was to generate more value for your customers, but I really wonder if it was to create more value for Comcast.   Moving it to a "Sports Package," since when does a classic movie channel have any business being in a "Sports Package?"  I noticed you changed the name of the package from a "Sports Package" to a "Sports and Entertainment Package."  Nice forethought Comcast, did you think we wouldn't pick-up on your  guile,  deceit?  Am I angry and upset at this move, YES, I am.  Apart from the local news channels I only watch and enjoy about a dozen channels per month even though we have the Select package of 210+ channels.  It was bad enough that you kept stepping all over us and hiking the price up every month to parallel that of a car payment!  As far as I can remember TCM was part of the base or limited package, ever since the early 1970's, when we first subscribed to Comcast upon institution in CT,  and the only movie channel in the line-up dedicated classic movies and one of the reasons we subscribed to the package.  I read on one of your websites that customer satisfaction was first and foremost to you. is this the way you treat loyal customer's who helped you build the company and have never missed a payment since the 1970's, when I might add that the monthly fee was $9.00, or was it $12.00, a month!  Seems like the upper echelon at Comcast don't care who they step on as long as it improves their market share.  Maybe this is why their still number 2 in this respect.......

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I was surprised to find that TCM is now a subscription service and even more surprised to see it lumped into a sports subscription package.

What gives with that Xfinity?

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

I used to be able to watch movies on TMC.  Now all of a sudden I get a message saying that I need to buy a subscription to watch TMC.  The monthly bill goes up, the services go down.  The Xfinity way, I suppose.  When is Xfinity going to let us pick and choose the exact channels we want to watch?  I don't watch much TV - news, MASH reruns, NHRA drag racing, and old movies.  Now you have taken one of my choices away, and all for the amazing price of $225 a month!

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

WHY would you think classic movies and sports go together better than classic movies and all movie channels? PLEASE bring TCM back!!!

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3 Messages

5 years ago

Removed by me for violating forum guidelinesXfinity Assistant

Hi, Steve. I'm the Xfinity Assistant, here to help you with your services.

I can help answer questions about your Xfinity services or troubleshoot problems. You can say things like: how much is my bill, troubleshoot TV, or when's my appointment.

Give me my TCM back - why ; claim low viewership and then put TCM in a Premium Package. It's Business 101 - you don't put lesser demand channels (as you claim with TCM) in a Sports Package with NHL, NBA, NFL, and MLB programming which clearly have a high demand; thus requiring premium cost to the consumer. - no response is need; unless you're prepared to turn my TCM back on!

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Give us TCM back..you know it's not viewership..its money..stop lying to customers

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Give us TCM back..you know it's not viewership..its money..stop lying to customers

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

5 years ago

I would even pay an extra dollar for it on its own instead of as part of a Sports Package for $10

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1 Message

5 years ago

I am so frustrated that I'm paying over 200.00 a month to Comcast and they now inform me I have to pay 10.00 more a month for TCM.  I am considering my options here instead of XFInity.


Regular Visitor


4 Messages

5 years ago

As I wrote weeks ago, I was able to get Comcast to give me two months free ($20 credit) of TCM before I would have to pay the $10.00 monthly TCM/Sports upgrade charge (end of November).
My current bill of course included the TCM/Sports package upcharge and not a penny's worth of the credit promised. Plus, I was charged a second time for a movie (John Wick) I watched in September and PAID for at the end of September billing cycle.
So after a phone call with a live customer service rep was I able to correct an erroneous $231 bill down to its proper $202 area.
Now I just got an Xfinity email indicating I must pay the balance of $29 on the $231 bill since I only paid $202 or else.
My love for TCM as well as Comcast in general is now rapidly fading.
TCM was wonderful in my origin program layout. I don't want any sports package to continue TCM and believe it or not , I truly do not mind paying Comcast bills that are correct and do not require 60-90 minutes of negotiations.
My TCM Homesick Blues is now my Comcast/Xfinity Homesick Blues.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Why did you remove the TCM channel?   You can only get it now by buying the Sport Package and that stinks.  Do not watch sport channels and like the old classic movies.   I guess this another reason to go to the streaming channels.  

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Very disappointed with Comcast. My 94 year old mother enjoys this channel like none other. I’m sure many elderly subscribers agree. TCM was already moved to the medium tier of programming packages, and now to the Sports package. It appears from previous responses from Xfinity that a great deal of research was completed to monitor the % of usage, but what consideration was given to the demographic of subscribers. Xfinity, you have targeted the lowest income population for this change. Many is Nursing homes are dependent on facility offerings, and you have seriously impacted their quality of viewing options. Shame on you!

New Poster


4 Messages

5 years ago

Cut and pasted from "Comcast Agreement for Residential Services" section 4 "Changes to Service" states.... 


"If any material change negatively affects your Service(s), you have the right to cancel your Service(s). Your continued receipt of the Service(s) for more than 30 days after the change, however, will constitute your acceptance of the change."


So you don't scare me with your cancellation fees Comcast...........  We've only had Xfinity for a few months and were actually enjoying the service until you dropped TCM the the basic preferred package.  Reeks of  "Switch and Bait."  I guess you had to get your customers back from Frontier with low introductory rates and then drop a popular basic tiered channel only making it available through the purchase of another package to regain the loss due to the low introductory rates.... Hints of Extortion.  There should be laws.  I feel like writing to the FCC about your unethical practices.  And you can't tell me that TCM is an unpopular station, it's expanding all over the World, even China.......  


New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

Whose dumb idea was it to take TCM out of my line up of channels of which I already pay a fortune.  I believe you did this to try to get more people to subscribe to the sports package which is ridiculous.  How many women do you think are going to subscribe to a sports package to be able to watch TCM.  All Comcast is doing with these ridiculous changes like deleting several Cinemax channels to 1 Hitz channel and now moving TCM to the sports package is pushing people to find other TV options, moving them away from cable all together.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

This is the last straw!

I will happily pay $20 more  month to another company other than Comcast. 

A classic movie station that is paired with a sports package? That now we have to pay to watch black and white movies. When I can stream for free on You Tube! 

Yeah this makes sense for the Stockholders!

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