mbg71's profile



23 Messages

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 5:00 AM



I just received a notice from Comcast that they are removing TCM, Turner Classic Movies, from all current packages and moving it to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?    What possible logic is there to that brilliant change?  TCM is widely viewed by many Comcast subscribers on their regular packages--NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE!  I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.    Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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New Poster


7 Messages

5 years ago

thats a big pile ,i must turn on tcm first to see whats playing  when the tv comes on , and that happens at least 10 times a day

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

TCM was just removed completely from my area. It’s not even available for more money at a higher tier. I started a post about it but somebody removed my post! Not happy either!!!

Frequent Visitor


7 Messages

5 years ago


I am seriously thinking about "cutting the cable"

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

5 years ago

Comcast wants me to buy programming I don't want just to get TCM? Fine! First you take away MGM. Then half of Starz/Encore . Now it's TCM being taken out. My payments don't reduce with the loss of this programming . Well you've reached my last straw point. I'm going to shop for programming I want elsewhere. . Well I don't need 3/4ths of what I'm paying for so getting rid of you and going the streaming route or sat. dish from other providers should save me money. You've just pushed this +35 year continual cable subscriber too far. 


Regular Contributor


244 Messages

5 years ago

Folks that was not unknown.   They have told us they were doing this.   Now with that said has anyone thought this may be a TCM caused issue vs Comcast?  TCM asks for $$$$$ for each subscriber.   Now I have no details but I presume TCM was asking for an increase in fees they want from Comcast for each and every subscriber.  Perhaps Comcast decided TCM wanted too much and rather than eat the increased costs themselves they chose to move TCM to a special package where you PAY for the priviledge to get it.

Remember the recent fiasco with CBS being withdrawn from people's satellite feeds?   Same thing here....maybe!

Like many this is a huge loss for me.   But I sent a message to TCM and told them there was no way I was paying more to watch it.   In the end I hope TCM sees the loss of income and comes to their senses.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Comcast - bad decision moving TCM to sports channel.  

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

I think most of the viewers of TCM are not that intrested in having a Sports Entertainmeny Channel as a "replacement" for TCM's current location. I forone don't care about a Sports channel!! I rarely watch sports - I do watch movies frequentlt !!

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Obviously Comcast doesn’t care how many customers they are going to lose as exhibited by this forum. I’m out of here as soon as I can. The commissioned board of utilities will be getting a filed complaint from me. Somehow I think this is illegal.

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

I think it is crazy to put in with Sports! We pay way to much as it is

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

5 years ago

Yeah, I don't buy that TCM has 'low viewership.' It makes up about 30% of our viewing time. And I saw many posts on this thread from TCM viewers. I'm sure Comcast is nursing a bunch of 'dogs' in terms of stations viewed by very few people. 


Please allow me to echo the suggestion that you take all these 'dogs' and offer them in the sports package, and put TCM back where it was. For a company that made $11.3 billion net profits in 2018 and whose CEO made $35 million last year, seems like you could stop gouging your customers. Maybe manage costs a slightly different way. 

Regular Visitor


1 Message

5 years ago

what do classic movies have to do with a sports package. this is highway robbery.



69 Messages

5 years ago

Same here.  Just signed up for 2 year commitment.  $200/month.  I'm out after this.  Too many other options available; YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

I watch TCM at least once a day. I'm really annoyed by the change and will look into other services. This change is not servicing Comcast customers who do not want sports package. What a dissapointmeng!



13 Messages

5 years ago

I'm going back to PS-VUE.  Not necessarily a bargain but they are not as unethical as Comcast.

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

They did it, it doesn’t make it right
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