mbg71's profile



23 Messages

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 5:00 AM



I just received a notice from Comcast that they are removing TCM, Turner Classic Movies, from all current packages and moving it to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?    What possible logic is there to that brilliant change?  TCM is widely viewed by many Comcast subscribers on their regular packages--NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE!  I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.    Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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52 Messages

5 years ago

I have been a Comcast customer for over 15 years and have put up with all the programming changes, good and bad. In your reply to the reason why TCM is being moved you cite a survey for one of the reasons it is being moved, a low percentage of viewers watching the channel. In all the years I have been a Comcast customer I have never been asked my opinion concerning an upcoming change in programming, and would suggest that if you were really concerned about your customer base you would ask their opinion prior to making any significant changes to your programming. This way you could really find out what your customers want and don't want before you make changes. My wife and I watch TCM regularly and feel that we will be losing a channel that we enjoy without any input from us. Also, if we are to lose a channel that was previously included in our package why don't we get a discount to our bill. Also wanted to thank you for not airing the ACC channel and having to miss the first 3 game of FSU football. More and more I find that Comcast is not paying attention to what their customers really want.  First I lost BeIN Sports, then Cinemax, no ACC channel, now TCM. Wish I could think of a channel that was added to my programming that I didn't expect and was pleasantly surprised but nothing comes to mind, so it seems we just keep losing channels without any change to our bills.



23 Messages

5 years ago

I hope Comcast is paying attention to the comments from many, many subscribers protesting the rediculous decision to move Turner Classic Movies to the SPORTS CHANNEL?  For once in your life, please do the smart thing and rescind your decision to move TCM to the SPORTS CHANNEL.  It is so absurd that it is sad that Comcast management would make such a decision in the first place.  Pay attention to your clients and their wishes Comcast.  We are fed up with many things about Comcast and it is time that you paid attention to your clients and not the almighty increases in your rates.  

Regular Visitor


1 Message

5 years ago

I feel the exact same way!  



23 Messages

5 years ago

You are right on about Comcast--unfortunately.  I hope someone there wakes up before it is too late.  Changing TCM to the Sports Package has to be one of most illogical things I have ever seen Comcast do in many years of being a subscriber.  Please change your mind Comcast.  Leave TCM the way it is.  You are going to lose a lot of customers who are already unhappy with your services.  Putting TCM into oblivion on the Sports Package will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.  PLEASE LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.

Regular Visitor


9 Messages

5 years ago

Comcast is loosing customers daily due to there ever increasing charges for programing nobody wants, they know they are running a loosing race with Hula, Netflix and others so my guess they are milking it for all they can get out of their current customers before they drop them too

Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago

Comcast rep Tina lied to me yesterday when upgrading from a SD Triple Play plan to HD TP plan. I was told I needed to get the Sports package to get TCM in SD or HD.  Well, no. Got the screen msg saying I wasn't sub'ed to it so I called Comcast. I was then told that TCM is NOT included in the Sports package and I would need to go to the more $ TP tier to get it.  The other lady I spoke with last night, Anne from down in Manila, was supposed to call me about this whole debacle at 17:00 today. It's 17:32 and still no phone call. I literally just started backing up everything and will be dropping Comcast. I really do not need phone and internet and I can go cheaper with another service. They are losing customers and they wonder why.



23 Messages

5 years ago

Surely someone at Comcast will wake up before it is too late.  Is anyone at Comcast paying attention to all of these comments.  Leave TCM where it is--please!

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

5 years ago

I don’t think Comcast is paying any more attention to this thread. They’ve listed the original question as “answered”. Also, if you google “Comcast TCM” you’ll find the link to this thread, and they have categorized it as “Solved”.



23 Messages

5 years ago

Thousands of Comcast subscribers don't want Turner Classic Movies switched to a Sports Package in October.  Does Comcast care at all about its customers?  Comcast is going to lose many clients over this.  Who wants to pay for a Sports Package which includes TCM?  And pay extra?  It just doesn't make sense.  PEASE rescind this decision.  In what world does TCM belong on a sports package?

Frequent Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago

Is Turner Classic Movies (TCM) being moved to another package and why? If so, when?

Will it cost customers more money to view TCM if they have a package that will be losing TCM?

I am being told conflicting answers from Comcast reps over the past few days. Thank you.

Regular Visitor


9 Messages

5 years ago

Of course it will cost more , $9.95 more for the Sports and Entertainment package just to get TCM, what a rip off putting a classic movie channel in with a bunch of sports channel, I don't watch sports and I'm not paying for a bunch of useless channels to get TCM, Hula and Netflix is sounding better all the time



30.9K Messages

5 years ago

@crowhaven wrote:

Of course it will cost more , $9.95 more for the Sports and Entertainment package just to get TCM, what a rip off putting a classic movie channel in with a bunch of sports channel, I don't watch sports and I'm not paying for a bunch of useless channels to get TCM, Hulu and Netflix is sounding better all the time

Just an FYI:





23 Messages

5 years ago

My question about TCM being switched to a sports package at Comcast has never been satisfactorally answered.  There is no excuse for what Comcast is doing.  Profit and lack of interest in serving their customers does not exist at Comcast.  What a dumb move they are doing by switching Turner Classic Movies to a Sports Channel.  Just plain dumb!

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

 My Xfinity package is inundated with sports channels I DON'T WANT nor do I WATCH...and I am sore pressed to believe that people do not watch TCM.  I pay alot of money to watch television that is full of nothing but sports and far too many advertisements, not to mention all of the reruns.  Is this what I pay for?  I pay the advertisers to advertise their products??  What an utterly ridiculous move on the part of xfinity.    TCM is one of the channels I do watch. 



126 Messages

5 years ago

I wrote this a few days ago, but never posted it because I was afraid I was too upset and put it off.  However, now that I've seen others' opinions, I don't feel bad about giving Comcast a piece of my mind, again.  I even added a little.  So here it is.
I am writing this because I feel that other customers should know ahead of time and Comcast will likely not inform you until you find your favorite channel missing and ask why.  I was having problems with the TCM.com website (which I have since found is a very common occurrence) and getting no response from TCM (also common).  The site was repeatedly saying it could not verify my tv provider subscription.  There's probably something wrong with the site and I didn't really believe Comcast would be able to help.  But, with no other solution, I called customer service.
During the call I spoke with two different agents.  They speculated on what could cause the problem with TCM and I just happened to find out from an agent in the "Customer Loyalty" dept. that, in October, TCM will be moved from the Digital Starter tier, where it is now, to the 
Sports & Entertainment Pkg., which currently costs an additional $9.95/month.  When I asked about the contract and package I was "stuck" with, I was told that the contract gives Comcast the right to remove channels if they want to. 
I apparently will still have to pay the same amount!
I explained to the agent that, of the over 200 channels included in my package, I actually watch only a handful and about half of those are broadcast stations that I could receive with an antenna.  I was very disappointed that they planned to remove TCM since I enjoy classic films.  I told the agent that I already paid enough for television and was not about to add another package.  This has happened before, like when they moved the Military History Channel to the Sports & Entertainment Pkg.  Is a documentary about WWII atrocities considered a sport or entertainment?  Stupid.  
On the phone I said, "You guys move popular channels to a different package hoping that people will be willing to pay more for another group of channels just to get the ONE that they want, don't you?  You know I'm right."  The response from the other end of the line was dead SILENCE.  Meanwhile, they give us Streampix and more worthless channels that they claim cost money.  Has anyone ever actually watched anything on Streampix?  It's a waste of electrons.
I also told the agent that if Comcast continued to remove my favorite channels, I might disconnect the whole thing.  Right now they charge me over $50.00/month just in fees for one thing or another and there's no reason for me to continue paying for something if I never watch it.  Naturally, she said, "We don't want that to happen.  We want our customers to be happy with their service."  Sure, they say they want us to be happy, but they keep doing things that they know customers don't like.  Happy, my foot!  It's all about the almighty dollar.  The agent told me she would forward my feedback -- not that it will do any good.  If you want this to stop, tell Comcast.  Maybe if enough people complain, the corporate know-it-alls will get the message.
Regarding Comcast's explanation for moving TCM to another package:  I also do not believe their response.  How do they know what people across the country are watching?  I watch TCM almost every day.  It sure beats a lot of the garbage on the other networks.  Currently, the few good shows on tv are very good, but the bad ones are really bad.  And if they want to talk about costs, how about dumping some of the junk they've already given me lately, without asking, like Viceland, Afroentertainment, Motortrend, HITZ, more Spanish channels, children's channels, music channels, and other things I don't want or need?  Take away TLC -- nothing to "learn" there.  And I don't need six channels of Nickelodeon!   LET THE PEOPLE WHO WANT ALL THAT STUFF PAY FOR A SEPARATE PACKAGE!  More channels does not mean better.  I want to keep TCM.  Besides, I'm sure rates will increase anyway.  I also agree with a previous poster.  If I'm already paying for tv, why should I have to put up with so many annoying commercials?  Aren't entertainment executives rich enough?  The cost might not feel like such a rip-off if I could watch everything commercial-free.
I have friends and family who feel the same way.  They're fed up with the trash all over tv nowadays (reality shows & remakes) and the lack of quality programming.  They're tired of paying a fortune for stuff they don't watch.  They're sick of the technical glitches and outages, and looking for alternatives.  When you have hundreds of channels to choose from and can't find anything worth watching that you haven't seen multiple times, or a 2-hour movie is dragged out to 3 hours because a whole hour of commercials has been added, that's pretty sad.  I'd like to find a good antenna and streaming device . . . . or I might move to the country and just forget television altogether.
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