mbg71's profile



23 Messages

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 5:00 AM



I just received a notice from Comcast that they are removing TCM, Turner Classic Movies, from all current packages and moving it to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?    What possible logic is there to that brilliant change?  TCM is widely viewed by many Comcast subscribers on their regular packages--NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE!  I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.    Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

TCM is one of the few channels we watch with our current package.  There are already too many sports channels that we never watch. Why would a classic channel be moved to a special tier with more sports stuff?  Quite unfair to us movie lovers!  I can see more customers looking for alternative companies to Comcast who claim to care about customers.  In addition to offering just more sports, customers already have to pay an extra sports channel fee whether they want sports or not.


Choices are clearly not customer focused but on profits.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I am beyond mad that this was taken from the line up.   But, why cannot I not see what the complete channelline up is for the upgrade?  Is it like Obamacare, I need to buy it to find out what is in it?  

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Yeah, that'll teach me to read the extra stuff that comes with my bill.  I just clicked on TCM today and found out it isn't there anymore.  I don't know what's in this 'Sports' package which TCM has been consigned to - I'm already getting NBC Sports and ESPN.  What other sports channels are there which I could possibly need?  I've stuck with Comcast for a long, long time - I always figured they have such a big presence here in Philadelphia, I should show some loyalty.  But this just feels like a slap in the face.  Classic movies in a 'Sports' package?  What are they thinking!

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Who is the genious that keeps messing with the channels? They should be fired. I am done with Comcast




43 Messages

5 years ago

I cannot believe TCM was moved to the Sports Entertainment Package. COMCAST, what are you thinking??? We pay over $200/month for your service. We signed up for the Preferred Channels which included TCM, now you pull it from the lineup.  Congratulations on your total lack of customer service. 

New Poster


4 Messages

5 years ago

Not happy about this change! Signed up for 2 years with premium channels and no price increase and NOW THIS! TCM is not a SPORTS channel! Now I remember why I cancelled cable TV once before. TCM was the lone bright spot in a channel listing full of dim bulbs! You have made another enemy, and I can fully understand why customers are leaving!

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago


Why after years of watching TCM is it know locked on my TV with message that I need tp pay more.  I pay more that enough know.   

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Dear Sir:
I am extremely disappointed in Comcast for removing TCM from the regular lineup. When I signed up for my 2 year contract I specifically requested that TCM be part of my lineup. Furthermore, when I heard rumors that I would be losing TCM I called the Comcast helpline 3 weeks ago and they assured me that I would not be losing TCM as long as I did not make any changes to my current package.

Shame-shame on Comcast.

New Poster


4 Messages

5 years ago

Not happy about this change! Signed up for 2 years with premium channels and no price increase and NOW THIS! TCM is not a SPORTS channel! Now I remember why I cancelled cable TV once before. TCM was the lone bright spot in a channel listing full of dim bulbs! You have made another enemy, and I can fully understand why customers are leaving!

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Since this thread was given a trivial answer and then locked, reviving it... We had the same experience. We just moved and switched to Xfinity, and specifically picked out a package that would have TCM in it. One month later - BAM! This is a total bait and switch. Real customers are not interested in ridiculous legal wiggling or canned spam posts about why you "have" to take away a promised channel and give nothing in return. Next time this is up for renewal, I'm pushing my partner to cancel *all* TV service and go back to 100% streaming. This kind of disrespectful duplicity is exactly why. If Xfinity had given us the promised channels for the duration of our contract, or even a mildly respectful 6-12 months notice with an option to change contracts and pick a new package, I might be reconsidering whether TV packages are worth my money, but certainly not now. I'm not impressed with this business at all. Disappointed in the PNW Watford1955 Watford1955 New Poster ‎08-25-2019 06:02 PM TCM bait and switch A few weeks ago I signed a two year contract. I told the representative that it was very important to have a package with TCM so I signed up for the preferred package. A few weeks later TCM is moving to the “Sports package” !!! And it will be $10 a month extra. Comcast customer service an oxymoron CCAndrew CCAndrew Diamond Problem Solver ‎08-25-2019 06:22 PM Re: TCM bait and switch By definition not quite a bait and switch, employees can’t see into the future to tell you about upcoming channel changes

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Until the TCM change happened, I was very satisfied with Xfinity; it has been the most reliable cable service we have every used.  There are dozens upon dozens of channels that we never watch and channels that we can literally watch on 3 different channel numbers.   But you change the availability of the what is obviously a unique channel and which was the reason we chose the package we did when we signed up.  This change has made me take a serious look at our viewing habits and what we are paying for.  I will be shopping around and odds are we will be going back to Dish. 

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

It's hard to effectively express my disappointment in civil terms over the move of TCM to the sports package.

Now after a couple decades with Comcast, I think I'll start looking for other options.

Frequent Visitor


15 Messages

5 years ago

I dont understand, I am in a contract why are you removing contracted channels from my package twice this year?? And why target fixed income retired folks to force them to pay for a sports package they would never want?  How much is this sports package?

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Now it is part of a sports package (because there aren't enough sports channels already) which adds an additional $10 to the already hefty price tag of cable TV.  We are going to check out satellite providers.

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

5 years ago

Moving TCM is an outrage.  I do not like or watch sports.  Look at what channels may be canceled in December - including STARZ.  A corp as

influential as Comcast can certainly negotiate better than this!  They have

no competition in broadband in most of the country, unlike China, etc.


Colleen McCue

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