mbg71's profile



23 Messages

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 5:00 AM



I just received a notice from Comcast that they are removing TCM, Turner Classic Movies, from all current packages and moving it to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?    What possible logic is there to that brilliant change?  TCM is widely viewed by many Comcast subscribers on their regular packages--NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE!  I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.    Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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Frequent Visitor


8 Messages

5 years ago

Why in the world would you move TCM to the Sports Entertainment Package???? 

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

It's upsetting to learn that Comcast is dropping Turner Classic Movies from Digital Starter to a Sports Package.


Please explain why you are doing this?


Moving TCM out of Digital Starter significantly impacts seniors, who value the classic movies for nostalgia as well art.

We cannot afford to pay for more Sports Channels---we're already have more Sports selections than we could ever watch in a lifetime!


Please restore TCM to the Digital Starter Package!


If you cut the cord on us, we will cut the cord with Comcast and move to Hulu, Roku and Netflix, as so many around us have already done.


/a concerned Comcast customer






New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

They just laid my FIOS line for Phone service only, moving TCM to an additional cost package is not going to happen for me.  I already pay enough!!!   I watch TCM daily and will switch to FIOS in October if it is dropped from digital preferred.   Fair warning COMCAST.

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

What are they thinking? Whose brilliant idea was this? Fans of Bette Davis, Greta Carbo and all the great actresses Don'tcare about hitting balls in a field.  What can we do about this absurd decision.?

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

The culture is saturated with enough Sports. Why put the glorious TCM in a package where the movie fans can't see it.  Why do we have to pay to get a bunch of sports channels we never watch?

Please reconsider this move Comcast. Don't deprive us of the extraordinary talent on display every day on TCM.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I am extremely disappointed that Comcast is moving TCM to a Sports Package!


I have been a loyal Comcast customer for over 30 years. How many companies would love to have that loyalty? I have stayed with Comcast through many rate increases, including the most recent one, as well as through the elimination or removal of channels to another more expensive tier. I'm not sure how Comcast will increase profitability by disappointing existing customers. It's almost as if we are being begged to "cut the cord". If I wanted a Sports Package, I would already have one. It is most disappointing to have to pay an additional monthly fee for TCM programming. I can only hope that Comcast reconsiders this decision. Doubtful but hopeful.


Reluctantly, I will be exploring the other options for televison service.

Regular Visitor


9 Messages

5 years ago

just another way Comcast came up with to rip off the consumer, I for one watch TCM everyday as many of my colleagues and friends, to group it with a bunch of useless sports channels and  few actual entertainment channels and name it Sports and Entertainment package is a joke, at least they could group it with some real channels, I have a contract with Comcast and they’re breaking it 

Silver Problem Solver


11.2K Messages

5 years ago

Hi Joi1, thank you for reaching out here on our community forums.  I understand your concern with TCM and HITZ, and you are correct and effective October 10th TCM will move to our Sports Entertainment package.   I can help review your account and remove HITZ accordinly, please send me a private message with your full name to begin.


Thank you 



23 Messages

5 years ago

Thousands of Comcast subscribers are questioning the reasoning behind transferring TCM to another redundant sports package--where they will lose a vibrant, much watched, historical movie channel.  Comcast has done many questinable things in the past--including price increases out of the blue, channel switching to raise money from targeted watchers of certain programing, etc.  Switching TCM to a sports package is absurd.   Who is their right mind would take an additonal cost sports channel just to watch TCM and pay even more money? There are so many unwatched channels on Comcast already that we pay for that moving a watched channel like TCM makes no sense whatsoever.  Why does Comcast insist on such out of the blue changes that upset so many clients?  Is there a public relations department at Comcast?  Surely there is someone at Comcast who can reverse this decision.

Official Employee


1K Messages

5 years ago

Hi there, mbg71. We do understand where you're coming from and we will absolutely pass your feedback along. Thank you.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

No ACCNetwork on the sports package and TCM(movie channel) to sports package.

There is no cure for stupid.  Looks like a hidden rate increase.

Time to cut the cable.



111 Messages

5 years ago

We're very unhappy with Xfinity.   First, we we had Max in our package, and now that's replaced with Hitz.  We don't want Hitz.  Now, you're moving TCM to Sports Package.  We don't want to subscribe to Sports Package.  So, now we've lost two channels.  We didn't watch either one a lot, but we did enjoy some shows on Max, or an occasional movie.  We enjoyed TCM especially around the Holidays.  This makes no sense.



56 Messages

5 years ago

I'm not buying this explanation. We live in Minneapolis, and we had TCM for years. Then Comcast moved TCM to the sports and entertanment package several years ago. We did not pay the extra fee to watch it.


This fall, our bill said that TCM was returning to our package--but did not say that it was only temporary. So we've had TCM for a couple of months, and now it's going back to the sports and entertainment package--feels like a bait and switch to me. Comcast gives and Comcast takes away. I'm used to it.

Regular Visitor


2 Messages

5 years ago

Sorry, but this perception that TCM is under-used is ridiculous. Our household views TCM regularly and often, infinitely more than the “2 movies per month” quoted by the Comcast representative. This action leaves me feeling that, in order to continue with TCM we must subsidize a bunch of Pro Sports (read big $$$) channels that we have zero interest in watching. Makes me conjecture that Comcast would prefer that customers stop watching TCM altogether. lame.

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

Most viewers watch only 2 movies a month?

I find that very difficult to believe.

Believe it or not, sports are never watched at our house. The Bimbo and Bozo shows

are too numerous and are poor representations of normal human beings.

On the other hand, there is an endless selection of paid advertisements from which to choose.

If the advertiser is already paying for them, why am I?

With so many alternative systems on the market now, why would you make such a change?

Even TCM won't make a sports package more enticing.

Bad move on your part.

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