mbg71's profile



23 Messages

Thursday, August 29th, 2019 5:00 AM



I just received a notice from Comcast that they are removing TCM, Turner Classic Movies, from all current packages and moving it to the SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE?    What possible logic is there to that brilliant change?  TCM is widely viewed by many Comcast subscribers on their regular packages--NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE!  I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.    Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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4 Messages

5 years ago

We have a 24 month contract with Comcast, beginning January 2018.  I know there's just a few months left until it's up, but isn't moving a channel that we had under the contract considered breaking the contract?  We like TCM in our household and watch it regularly.  

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Rip Off..Rip Off....have had TCM for many years wirh Comcast ...now paying near $200.oo month, & yesterday now TCM is Not authorized...Rip Off ..Comcast not caring..

Frequent Visitor


11 Messages

5 years ago

Sounds like a plan! I do  like Comcast internet service and Comcast has been very responsive when I have had internet issues. Just ran a new line to my house from the pole in the alley and rewired inside to MY modem.

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

5 years ago

We love movies and sports in our household, but moving TCM to another tier just so they can charge us more?  I am extremely disappointed in how proven, loyal customers are treated.  I have a 24 month contract with Comcast as of January, 2018, and I believe they have broken it, as well.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I agree. I was not informed of this change but found out when I tried to access TCM. Will my bill decrease now?



New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Another money grabbing effort by the Roberts family and their henchmen. I don't want an extra package. I would like TCM back. Maybe it is a good idea to cut the cord. It would be cheaper to get an antenna for local stations and just pay for streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu.

@ComcastAlly wrote:

Hello, mbg71. Thank you for reaching out. 

Every month, Comcast pays programmers like networks, local TV station owners and others, for the ability to bring their programming to you. We regularly review our programming and sometimes make changes to ensure we're offering a wide variety of programming at the best value. We look at a variety of factors, including customer viewership and programming costs when making these decisions. Viewership of TCM is low, as over 90% of our customers watch less than two movies per month. Given this and contractual limitations on offering TCM a la carte, we decided to move TCM to the Sports Entertainment Package, which will help us manage programming costs that are passed on to our customers while continuing to make the channel available to those who want to watch it.


New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

Agree!!! But not in this lifetime!!!

Frequent Visitor


10 Messages

5 years ago

What is TCM I/ve never heard of it.  I think others would have also.  So who is TCM what channel??

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Removing Tcm from my package is causing me to quit Comcast

Regular Visitor


4 Messages

5 years ago

I had added the Digital Preferred package because it had TCM with Comcast gladly charged extra for.  I was on the phone with them and they wanted me to add the sports package for an additional cost for TCM.  My question is, what am I paying for in the Digital Preferred package?  Not long ago, they took away some the broadcast radio stations, but did they lower the cost for fewer services.  No.  It seems Comcast is very good at taking away services and increasing the cost to their customers.

New Poster


6 Messages

5 years ago

How is it that after I enter into a 2 year contract, Comcast can then take away a channel then charge me extra to get it back?

Regular Visitor


5 Messages

5 years ago

This is ridiculous!!!  My Mom and I enjoy watching movies on TCM.  Why would they place it in a higher tier with sports that most who watch TCM probably don't watch.  What genius come up with this idea. SMH Makes absolutely now sense other than to scam more money out of us.  

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I am 68 years old. I have NEVER watched a football game in my life! I detest baseball, golf, hockey , basketball and God forbid golf! I just don't like sports! My husband only occasionally watches the Steelers, our hometown team. We do, however, watch TCM every single day! Hmmmm. I have a whole lineup of channels that I NEVER watch. Now, I must pay $9.95 for more sports and channels I will NEVER view so that I can keep a channel that I already had for more years than I can count! I'm so mad I could chew up nails and spit out tacks! Comcast has us in a stranglehold. Put up or shut up. My huaband and I are not swimming in money! I also get to pay an extra $2.95 a month to upgrade the box I use in my kitchen because the one I have been using won't pick up the sports package! Isn't that special? It picked up TCM for years! Now it's no darn good. I said all that to say this, Comcast is like a dictatorship. This is absolutely ridiculous!

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Way to go Comcast, You've really ruffled lots of feathers with this one.

How about you let customers pick the channels they want to watch, create a custom package, instead of trying to shove your package down my throat!

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

I agree with :


I URGE COMCAST TO LEAVE TCM WHERE IT IS.  I am seriously considering cancelling my Comcast subscription over this.   Get real Comcast and leave TCM alone.  Seriously!

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