Comcast has no control over this. MeTV is a broadcast network carried by a local TV station. Comcast just passed on what is aired. Many Scripps and Sinclair stations (12) dropped MeTV and will replace it with their own networks.
@andyross That was a really great video to see. Very good information. Happily, I don't need the info at the moment (we get MeTV here), but it never hurts to be warned ahead of time, just in case. Thank you very much for putting the link in here. Kudos to you!
Here in Chicago, it's 357 or 1166. It can be hard to tell with broadcast channels if they will be the same everywhere in the 1000+ national numbering setup.
@Desolate14 You should be able to watch MeTV over the air (OTA), not through Xfinity cable service, in Providence, RI on the Boston, MA MeTV affiliate on virtual Channel 05.02, which is subchannel of Boston's WCVB-TV on Ch. 05.01.
Alll one needs to do this is to have a simple indoor antenna and rescan your TV's channel settings if Ch. 05.02 is missing or has a weak signal. If you have difficulty locating your TV set's channel scanning setting, consult the on-screen help menu or the instruction guide which came with your TV set.
Otherwise, look on the back of your TV set for a tag with model number and manufacturer of your TV and search in Google for an online instruction manual, which is available for many home appliances and electronics.
Realistically, 100 miles with a giant antenna on a very tall pole is the limit. The claims you see for tiny, cheap antennas on Amazon are blatant lies. Worse, some of the MeTV affiliates are lower power stations with limited range. On YouTube, check out the videos by AntennaMan.
In the Portland, Or area, we received a banner in August stating that KATU TV would stop sponsoring MeTV, effective 1 September. No other explanation. I did some digging, including going to MeTV's website. They referred me to FRNDLY (wrong timezone), or OTA (possible, but I'm not putting a retro antenna back on my roof for one show). I did see one reference to something happening today (13 September) that I think was Xfinity-related. Maybe tonight I'll find it. Other than MLB and football, I don't watch anything else.
As of today, 09/13/2022, MeTV was supposed to be on channel 1197. Guess what? No MeTV, only KATU. Unfortunately, Xfinity makes it virtually impossible to talk with a live person, and their 'customer service reps' in Singapore or wherever are useless and are no help.
I see complaints all the time (here and on Facebook) from people who love MeTV, have lost it without any notice or choice, and want it back. Some have said they'd pay a few bucks extra a month to have it returned to them. I appreciate that Comcast has kept it on here and hope they keep it on at all places. If it's discontinued because of Scripps or Sinclair, they're really not serving the public, just themselves.
Very, very disappointed to lose MeTV (and previously Decades) on Xfinity. My sister and I are strongly considering moving away to Dish or some other service. We'll miss all our purchases, but what the hell...
Looks like MeTV is coming back to Portland on channel 1156 now (not 1197). In my guide, it's listed as KJYYLD3. It currently says "This requires a subscription" to watch, but hopefully that's just a glitch.
The local channel lineup for Portland ( does not include 1156, so I think - hope - that we're just seeing a transition period. The Guide properly showed Hogan's Heroes (i.e., in the correct time slot), but, of course, I was also stopped by the subscription notice. I don't see a way to add it to my existing 185 channels. I hope - expect - it to become clear by the 20th.
Well, good news at least in the Portland OR area. Many thanks to Comcast for bringing MeTV back (now with KJYY3 on channel 1156). When I tried to access the channel yesterday, it required a subscription. As of today, channel 1156 is available, and I didn't have to upgrade or update my existing plan.
Today, we still have nothing on cable. We live in Milwaukie. We get a very poor broadcast of MeTV on our antenna TV. It locks up, and loses sound. We want our MeTV back on cable. What do we need to do to get that ?
The poor picture may not be Comcast's fault. The new station may just be compressing it more than the previous station. Comcast doesn't really compress SD broadcast stations.
Accepted Solution
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
3 years ago
Comcast has no control over this. MeTV is a broadcast network carried by a local TV station. Comcast just passed on what is aired. Many Scripps and Sinclair stations (12) dropped MeTV and will replace it with their own networks.
See the video here:
New Poster
5 Messages
3 years ago
Tells me it's on channel 1048 with x1 box in Saint Clairsville Ohio area. Tried 1048 and metv is not there
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
3 years ago
Here in Chicago, it's 357 or 1166. It can be hard to tell with broadcast channels if they will be the same everywhere in the 1000+ national numbering setup.
1 Message
3 years ago
Anyone know where to watch it in Providence R.I. or New Bedford, Massachusetts other than streaming from Frndly or Philo TV?
Does anyone think an HD antenna could be strong enough to pull a signal from another state that has it?
What are the range of those things? I'm completely ignorant about such tech.
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
3 years ago
Realistically, 100 miles with a giant antenna on a very tall pole is the limit. The claims you see for tiny, cheap antennas on Amazon are blatant lies. Worse, some of the MeTV affiliates are lower power stations with limited range. On YouTube, check out the videos by AntennaMan.
New Poster
8 Messages
3 years ago
In the Portland, Or area, we received a banner in August stating that KATU TV would stop sponsoring MeTV, effective 1 September. No other explanation. I did some digging, including going to MeTV's website. They referred me to FRNDLY (wrong timezone), or OTA (possible, but I'm not putting a retro antenna back on my roof for one show). I did see one reference to something happening today (13 September) that I think was Xfinity-related. Maybe tonight I'll find it. Other than MLB and football, I don't watch anything else.
216 Messages
3 years ago
I see complaints all the time (here and on Facebook) from people who love MeTV, have lost it without any notice or choice, and want it back. Some have said they'd pay a few bucks extra a month to have it returned to them. I appreciate that Comcast has kept it on here and hope they keep it on at all places. If it's discontinued because of Scripps or Sinclair, they're really not serving the public, just themselves.
2 Messages
2 years ago
Very, very disappointed to lose MeTV (and previously Decades) on Xfinity. My sister and I are strongly considering moving away to Dish or some other service. We'll miss all our purchases, but what the hell...
5 Messages
2 years ago
Looks like MeTV is coming back to Portland on channel 1156 now (not 1197). In my guide, it's listed as KJYYLD3. It currently says "This requires a subscription" to watch, but hopefully that's just a glitch.
New Poster
8 Messages
2 years ago
The local channel lineup for Portland ( does not include 1156, so I think - hope - that we're just seeing a transition period. The Guide properly showed Hogan's Heroes (i.e., in the correct time slot), but, of course, I was also stopped by the subscription notice. I don't see a way to add it to my existing 185 channels. I hope - expect - it to become clear by the 20th.
1 Message
2 years ago
Well, good news at least in the Portland OR area. Many thanks to Comcast for bringing MeTV back (now with KJYY3 on channel 1156). When I tried to access the channel yesterday, it required a subscription. As of today, channel 1156 is available, and I didn't have to upgrade or update my existing plan.
35 Messages
2 years ago
I'm in Salem OR and it still has not shown up yet. Hopefully it won't be too long before reaching us. :) I miss my Adam-12 and MASH.
2 Messages
2 years ago
Today, we still have nothing on cable. We live in Milwaukie. We get a very poor broadcast of MeTV on our antenna TV. It locks up, and loses sound. We want our MeTV back on cable. What do we need to do to get that ?
5 Messages
2 years ago
MeTv is back on 1156 in Vancouver Washington today not very good picture but it is on. time to put up an outdoor Antenna, get some uncompressed TV
Gold Problem Solver
7.9K Messages
2 years ago
The poor picture may not be Comcast's fault. The new station may just be compressing it more than the previous station. Comcast doesn't really compress SD broadcast stations.