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Saturday, February 24th, 2024 12:52 AM


What happened to Heroes & Icons TV

What happened to Heroes & Icons TV?  Use to be broadcast on Channel 116, but was removed without notice or explanation and replaced by some Spanish language channel.

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1 year ago

Good evening @swedberg71, and thank you for reaching out on our Community Forums. The channel changes can happen for a few reasons. It can be the network decided to change courses or perhaps a contract renewal expired for example. This link https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/xfinity-programming-contract-renewals explains a bit more about how some of this can work. I don't have details regarding the changes to be upfront, but we can provide updates as we get them. Are you experiencing issues with any of your other channels?


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12 Messages


Thank your the response, but I was hoping for a specific answer to the Heroes & Icons channel.  Someone must know what happened to this channel, not just a generic "channels change."  Why couldn't Comcast put out a notice...aka, as of X date H&ITV is being replaced by Spanish programming because of contract renewal disagreements...or some other real explanation.  H&ITV still exists <https://www.handitv.com/>...why was it unceremoniously dropped?

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

Great question @swedberg71, you can find your local lineup by entering your address here https://www.xfinity.com/support/local-channel-lineup. 


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1 year ago

We appreciate your feedback and understand where you are coming from @swedberg71. You can also leave your feedback directly on our website here https://support.xfinity.com/svp-contact-form. I understand H&ITV still exists and its possible it was dropped if the contract expired. It's possible it could also be a channel mapping error. Is it still showing up on your guide as H&I? 


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12 Messages

I'm not even sure where to find the Channel guide you referenced.  Sure can't find it on the Xfinity site...search Channel Guide and get pages of links.  How do I find the Channel guide for Xfinity service in Issaquah, WA.

1 Message

11 months ago

Heroes and Icons ended abruptly on Channel 228 and now there is a new network in it's place. Not happy..

Regular Visitor


3 Messages

9 months ago

I can’t find H&I on my Xfinity list either. It should be one of the non premium channels but the big brains at Xfinity decided to remove it without notifying their customers. Typical of Xfinity, they own our life.

they did the same with INSP I loved it, but they combined it with a premium sports channel so they can get money out of it. What does a western station has to do with a sports channels…crazy

5 Messages

9 months ago

Yes extremely upset that H&I was dropped without reason or explanation.  Yet one more reason why I'm not strongly considering cutting the cord after paying for full Xfinity service at three different home locations - had enough!

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4 Messages

9 months ago

Heroes and Icons was dropped by Xfinity due mainly to the CW switching from KSTW-TV to KUNS-TV in the Seattle area...

I don't work for Comcast/Xfinity incidentally, but I do live in the area; I guess as well, that there was enough of an outcry from people who watched Univision in Seattle once KUNS announced they were dropping it to find another place for it in the market...

1 Message

I’m not particularly happy about them, dropping Harold’s and icons either. It was the only channel I could get carried all of the Star Trek series, which is one of my favorite shows of all time along with quite other few shows that I like.



1 Message

For those who may not be aware the Hero and Icon Channel appears to be back on Xfinity.  I live in University Place and found it on Channel# 1197 AAT.

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