dwayne3686's profile

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Sunday, March 22nd, 2020 9:00 AM



Since Xfinity isn't losing a penny on this virus outbreak, you'd think they'd waive movie rental fees while we're all stuck at home.

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1 Message

5 years ago

During this COVID health crisis where many of us are under mandatory stay at home orders, wouldn’t it be great if Comcast and other providers offered free on demand movies for a limited time. Just a thought.

Gold Problem Solver


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5 years ago

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5 years ago

They could give HBO and Showtime etc. free to those that do not have it for at least till the end of April

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5 years ago

Verizon giving free 15 GB till April 30 and restaurants giving free delivery etc BUT what is Xfinity giving back to the community during this crisis..............Nothing, Zilch, zero



30.9K Messages

5 years ago

@maxlow123 wrote:

Verizon giving free 15 GB till April 30 and restaurants giving free delivery etc BUT what is Xfinity giving back to the community during this crisis..............Nothing, Zilch, zero

Comcast's Covid-19 Response

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

5 years ago

@dscomer wrote:
During this COVID health crisis where many of us are under mandatory stay at home orders, wouldn’t it be great if Comcast and other providers offered free on demand movies for a limited time. Just a thought.

With so many of our customers confined to their homes during this difficult time period, we have worked with our various programming partners to make extra content available. Simply say "Free" into your Xfinity Voice Remote for available content. Even without a television subscription, you will have access to select content via the Xfinity Stream Website and App. All you need is your Xfinity ID and password to access Xfinity Stream via the app or online portal. Please note that much of this free content is only available during certain window periods. 


Thank you all or your feedback. Any additional updates to this information will be shared here. 



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2 Messages

4 years ago

Exactly.... I tried requesting the channel and it won't let me view, however Verizon is offering free channel lineup

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4 years ago

You'd think with this virus impacting the world and a stay at home order, the cable companies would work with these big money scumbags like HBO, Starz, Showtime and Cinemax to offer free services for the next month. Money hungry and just worried about taking money from the poor is all you get. I hope people cancel their services with the all the above during this time!

Gold Problem Solver


18.9K Messages

4 years ago

@Jeannes8503 Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above. I went ahead and sent a refresh signal to your cable boxes to see if that resolves the issue.

Are you seeing an error message when trying to view this content? Please provide any additional details around whats happening. Thanks much.   


We’ve added newly available free content from Lifetime Movie Club, Acorn TV, Starz and much more. Find it by saying "Free" into your Xfinity Voice Remote. Plus, if everyone wants to watch something different, you can use the Xfinity Stream app to turn your tablet or smartphone into a TV in any room.

Also Showtime On Demand content is open and available for all of our X1 and Flex customers at no additional cost:


With so many of our customers confined to their homes during this difficult time period, we have worked with our various programming partners to make extra content available. Simply say "Free" into your Xfinity Voice Remote for available content. Even without a television subscription, you will have access to select content via the Xfinity Stream Website and App. All you need is your Xfinity ID and password to access Xfinity Stream via the app or online portal. Please note that much of this free content is only available during certain window periods.


Thank you all or your feedback. Any additional updates to this information will be shared here.



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5 Messages

4 years ago

I have had this issue for over two years. Every time there is a “free preview” or “watchathon”, I am unable to get anything free. Yes, I know it’s only “on demand”. I’ve talked to over ten people at Xfinity who were unable to fix the issue. There is an issue with the code on the box, apparently, and it’s never been fixed.
I know other people have reported the exact same issue. WHY CAN’T THIS BE CORRECTED?!?!
Last time I talked to someone, I thought it was fixed. I could finally get the programming. Got an email a couple hours later that she had SUBSCRIBED me to the channel without telling me I would have to pay!!! Stupid...

New Poster


1 Message

4 years ago

same here ......  don't think they're capabile of correcting

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5 Messages

4 years ago

Only fix seems to be making you subscribe which defeats the whole purpose.
Just seems like they would have someone working on it. I know I’m not the only one with the issue.

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2 Messages

4 years ago

  • Speaking of which, anyone know if and when we are having WATCHATHON? I am getting my free STARZ. They mix $$Starz/Encore in with it under "Starz Free Preview or Premium Channel Starz.

New Poster


2 Messages

4 years ago

Just a suggestion. How about working to get a free month of on demand as we are all sitting at home with no to little pay? Or possibly a care program like PG&E is offering to reduce rates?

Even the free month trials aren’t working. Says free, my bill is paid, still can’t get the movie.

I just think offering a free month would be a crazy incentive. And not just movies, the fitness channels are SO very needed right now.
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