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Using Free Peacock Premium From Comcast Means You Can't Upgrade to Ad-Free Premium Plus
Finally received a banner for Free Peacock Premium and was able to initiate the benefit on Peacock successfully. I know I'm one of the few. But I wouldn't be so quick to jump on that offer if you would like Ad-Free Peacock Premium Plus. Because once you've signed up for Peacock Premium thru Comcast, there's no way to upgrade your account to Ad-Free Peacock Premium Plus. Peacock does not provide a $5.00 option to upgrade like it had in the past. It now points to Xfinity as the only way to "manage" your Peacock account. And there is no way on Comcast/Xfinity to upgrade your Peacock account to Ad-Free Peacock Premium Plus. So, if you take advantage of the Comcast offer for Free Peacock Premium you're stuck having to watch ads. Period.
If you think about it, since Comcast/Xfinity/Peacock are all under the same company, it's a win win situation for them. Use the Free Comcast Premium plan and be forced to watch their ads therefore strengthening their ad revenue from advertisers, they win. Bypass the Comcast offer and pay the $10.00 per month directly to Peacock for Ad-Free Premium Plus, they win. I'd say it was a brilliant scam but based on what we've seen from the Comcast/Peacock fiasco, I just don't think they're that smart...
I'm gonna sit back and watch for a while but I can see myself opening a new account with Peacock and pay $10.00 for Ad-Free Premium Plus very soon. Then it's time to consider moving on from Comcast after decades of being a customer. I've long been thinking about it anyway and this Comcast/Peacock nightmare is probably the last straw. So Comcast loses a $300.00+ a month customer for a $5.00 issue. Again, they're just not that smart...
2 Messages
1 year ago
I have spent way too much time trying to upgrade to Premium Plus and here on this site are all the answers. This would be nice to have been seen a few months ago. Xfinity and NBC Universal have made a mockery of us all and I for one will use my TV box thru Xfinity to save only the shows on NBC. I can then scroll thru and pass thru the commercials. Funny how CBS with their counterpart Paramount+ offer a much better offer and deal plus get Showtime (for a premium of course) then NBC Universal. I keep getting told that they are working on this and that a solution for this issue will be possible in the future. When?? They cannot say but are working on offering Premium Plus Peacock in the future. I would not hold my breath. Then there is ABC where their shows are shown on Hulu along with Fox and numerous other stations. Thank you Tardo317 for posting. All my calls to the so-called customer service of Xfinity overseas have given me confusion and solutions that did not work. I am only a $200 month subscriber which I now wonder why?? Platinum status for Xfinity seems to be worth less than before. Also miss being able to resolve issues with a local representative or at least an agent located in the U.S.A. Well moving on from my tirade.
1 Message
1 year ago
wow no wonder i have been sitting talking to a live agent trying to upgrade and still nothing. [edit: language]
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1 year ago
I am having all of the same issues here. I have spent too much time on with support at Xfinity and I'm in the middle of an email exchange with Peacock. Neither are helpful. Xfinity continues to recommend I just make an entirely new Peacock account and Peacock is telling me the same. Xfinity even suggested that downgrading my internet plan below gigabit might resolve the issue?? It is wildly unacceptable to be able to apply this promotion then have no way to remove it.
4 Messages
1 year ago
All of this! Now everything makes more sense because I thought I was going crazy.
I JUST clicked a link on Xfinity and signed up for a new. Peacock account for free except it has ads. I go to the peacock settings and try to upgrade because Xfinity says I can get premium plus for $6 a month through them so the peacock app sends me back to Xfinity but Xfinity says I can only manage my account through the flex box.
First no I can't manage it through the flex box. There's no way to upgrade the account for the $6 so that's some well done false advertising right there Xfinity.. well I should say Comcast, trying to get people to call you Xfinity didn't hide the years of bad press and experiences like you seem to think it would.
Why doesn't either company want my money? I've been reading articles for years about how peacock doesn't ever do anything but lose them money.. well maybe now we know why. They refuse to take the money and make managing the account impossible.
Btw I checked on the flex box and there is no way to manage anything or change the plan. Genius!
6 Messages
1 year ago
I’ve signed up more than once for free Peacock Premium but after the first couple of weeks, whenever I try to use the Peacock app, I’m told I must subscribe for $5.99. Comcast admits I’m entitled to free Peacock but does absolutely nothing to remedy the problem. All they do is lie about it.
1 Message
1 year ago
Xfinity wouldn't give me a better deal than $200 a month for cable and internet,. I really wanted msnbc and it would be $39 per month because of the sports comm required with that channel, and so I cut the cord, went o-t-a and loaded up with netflix, etc., saving me A LOT of $ each month. Then, I was given Peacock as a Diamond reward person. The only show I needed Peacock for was Morning Joe. NOW, they've removed it from the live line up and one can watch it by day old news. Yeah, right. WHY Xfinity can't be more cooperative is beyond me. But I must say, OTA with the add ons is a lot cheaper and heck with Morning Joe. They should pay him less and concentrate on their customers more. I think he makes 20m per year!
1 Message
1 year ago
Contact Xfinity and ask to speak with email tier 2 department. They helped remove peacock attached through email so I could sign back up with peacock
4 Messages
1 year ago
I would also like to know if this policy is changed at some point. Would love to pay more money to not see ads anymore.
2 Messages
1 year ago
I hate this company. They just bumped my bill from $100/month to $126/month for no reason at all, and then I tried to use the "free Peacock" service only to find that 75% of the shows are locked behind a pay-wall. [Edited: "Inflammatory"], taking advantage of people who don't feel like taking the time to switch providers.