tito752's profile



49 Messages

Monday, August 26th, 2019 6:00 AM


Starz leaving Premiere packages?

Can an employee at Comcast confirm if this is true?  I hope not.  These channel changes are not the thing to do with more and more people cutting the cord.  You're going to end up with no customers!



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67 Messages

5 years ago

The take away TCM, and the price remains the same


They take away STARZ and the price remains the same


What channels will we lose next while they continue to pick our pockets for full price every month while their own costs go down?  Contrasting their slogan, I don't think Comcast really cares at all.

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

And then charge me more money for the channel that was included in my package. I don't want Epix - let me choose!
I just may cut the cable ...

Regular Visitor


6 Messages

5 years ago

I dont know if this is the right forum or even the right way besides speaking to someone over the phone in god knows what far away land who probably doesnt care but I will try anyway.


Today I received an email informing me of yet more changes to the premium channel offerings that I am locked in with my 2 year agreement.  First I was told that Starz would be scaled back to only one channel and that the Encore channels would also be scaled back.  But, wait theres more!!  Then we were told that the "spectacular" Epix lineup  would be expanded and offered in place of the scaled back channels.  Now today even more eliminations came down.  Effective Feb 11 Starz will no longer be part of my locked in package lineup.  Originally I received Showtime and Starz along with the Encore channels.  Not only am I losing Starz completely but the total amount of premium channels that I originally received are being slashed.  First of all Showtime stinks and Starz was the only saving grace.  Now with no Starz and having Epix take its place it's supposed to make things ok?  I dont thing so.


The least Comcast could do is instead of just yanking programming away from us, they could have offered to decrease my costs in exchange for the loss of all the premium channels that I didnt even want in the first place but was stuck with when I signed up.  


I dont even want to attempt to speak with someone because to be frank, its like speaking to a used car salesman with little chance of getting an inkling of what I would like.


Let it be known that at the end of my contract, if I dont get some kind of fair shake with a new package I will be RUNNING to the competition whether it be Verizon, satellite or whoever is willing to take the time to work with me to get a more fair and reasonable offer.



23 Messages

5 years ago

Here we go again! First Comcast takes away Cinemax and replaces it what they say I would like better – wrong. Then they fail to come to terms with Altitude another of the channels I signed up for and not getting anymore. And today, after spending close to an hour with technical support who’s English was next to impossible to understand I had to go to the Xfinity store to exchange equipment only to come home to an email telling me another of the channels I signed up for will be taken away. Don’t tell me Hitz/Epix is a reasonable replacement for Cinemax and Starz – the only way this is a good thing is if Comcast was to reduce my bill by the amount they now want to add Cinemax and Starz back to my lineup.
BTW – during a previous support call I was thanked for being a long time loyal customer and should look for a Loyalty discount in my January bill – nothing!!
Signed – A very unhappy customer.



70 Messages

5 years ago

I, also, am disgusted with Comcast making a change to my channels. I just started a new 2 year contract that included Starz only to receive an email today that it will no longer be included in my package and replaced with Epix which I personally feel is inferior. Now in order to keep it I will have to pay an additional $5 per month for 6 months and then the fee will change to $8.99 per month. This is in addition to the fact that the price I was quoted for the new package is over $8 more than the price I was told when I made the change.

There is a penalty applied to me if I don't honor the terms of the contract, but no penalty to Comcast for making changes.

Can someone from Comcast tell me why I can't void the contract and change to a lesser package without incurring a penalty?

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

I received the email this morning and am beyond angry.  Comcast has become an inferior product at an outrageous price.  I went to a premium lineup for STARZ and Cinemax and they are or have been removed. HITZ and EPIX are not comparable and we should not be paying the same rate or more.

 I will be calling and seeing what can be done. I will post if I get anywhere.!!!

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

I'm venting here - I am half way into the first year of my contract with Comcast.  I chose the package I did because I wanted Starz.  Now they are removing Starz from my package!  Yes - they substituted EPIX for it, but it makes no difference as I wanted Starz.  Channels should NOT be removed from packages at least until the contract period is over. I'm so irritated.  As well, the contract is supposed to keep the price the same for the contract period. 6 months into it my monthly rate went up $9. Sure - the base package price remained the same but all the other "incidental" charges were increased.  I plan on calling Comcast to share my displeasure on both these things, but wanted to share here too.

New Poster


3 Messages

5 years ago

Removing Starz has made up my mind for me. If I am going to have to pay extra for it, I no longer need cable as Starz was my main attraction. We watch more Netflix these days than we do cable, but I kept it because we like Starz. Thank you, Comcast, for making up my mind and saving my family hundreds of dollars a year because you continue to rip off your customers (new and long term) out of money. For the record, EPIX stinks. We do not watch anything on it. 



31 Messages

5 years ago

I am with you on the I am irritated with this. Once again Comcst takes the track of pulling the rug from under service in favor of making more bucks. I could do without EPIC - nothing they have adds to my entertainment enjoyment.

Add to that the VERY short time window for the coverage disruption! I hope many more responses are about to flood Comcast.


I also find that very passive terms are considered to be "bad" words - where I originally phrased my first sentance more strongly, but by far not using anything but colorful terms. Who made these people the word police?

New Poster


1 Message

5 years ago

Removal of STARZ from your bundled services and making us pay more to contunue with this service. You should then reduce the bundle price to reflect the cost of continuing what was previously included.



34 Messages

5 years ago

If you remove Stars from my package I would like my bill reduced by the $8.99/ month the cost to retain that service.  I agreed to a contract amout and you did also so do it!



30.9K Messages

5 years ago

@twheale wrote:

I, also, am disgusted with Comcast making a change to my channels. I just started a new 2 year contract that included Starz only to receive an email today that it will no longer be included in my package and replaced with Epix which I personally feel is inferior. Now in order to keep it I will have to pay an additional $5 per month for 6 months and then the fee will change to $8.99 per month. This is in addition to the fact that the price I was quoted for the new package is over $8 more than the price I was told when I made the change.

There is a penalty applied to me if I don't honor the terms of the contract, but no penalty to Comcast for making changes.

Can someone from Comcast tell me why I can't void the contract and change to a lesser package without incurring a penalty?

You can downgrade without penalty as long as you keep one service.



30 Messages

5 years ago

Add me to the list of frustrated customers. I have been a Comcast Xfinity customer for over 20 years. I have always paid for the premier package which allows me all the movie channels. I have signed another two-year contract last year which included Cinemax and STARZ. Now you're removing it and making it a pay extra option?? Seriously?


I will be heading over to my Xfinity store very soon.

Regular Visitor


5 Messages

5 years ago


Please help me understand.....


How is okay for you to remove channels from my packages when I am under a two year agreement. It ticked me off when you did it  with Cinemax but i thought OK, that was an isolated incident. Now, you are doing it with Starz. You're still carrying these channels of course. You are just cleverly and i would argue cruelly making me pay MORE money ($12 cinemax, $8.99 starz) for channels, that were agreed to under a 2-year term "Locked" rate.


WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE: Keep channels packages the same until contracts are up, show some appreciation for loyal customers for Gods sake. Duh.


I have no idea why you think this is even a remotely smart business decision. I can tell from the forums that others are just as annoyed. This has angered me enough to look forward to exploring other options when my contract is up...... because unlike some others I will honor the terms of the contract until then.


I would appreciate a response from someone who can address my frustrations.


Thank you

New Poster


2 Messages

5 years ago

Just got an email stating that they are dumping starz from my line up, this is after they took cinemax away and gave me garbage epix Jeez they are trying to push away a long loyal customer!
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