lt62's profile



48 Messages

Monday, March 14th, 2022 3:10 PM


RTN-WMNB ("russian") channel prompts for Subscription now - does it mean it's restored?

of course, we had subscription for the last 25 years or so, but with these geniuses in charge of Comcast, we shouldn't be surprised i guess: 

so something definitely changed, but of course those "responsible" won't tell us 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Drop Russian TV



48 Messages

3 years ago

@XfinityJessie (Administrator):

As of Wednesday, March 9, we have reinstated Russian-language channels Impact TV and RTN (Russian Television Network), and existing subscribers can resume watching these channels. New subscriptions to these two channels will continue to be disabled while we work through repackaging and pricing.

[Edited: "Inflammatory"] i just finished talking to XFINITY support and learned the following:

  1. my 25+ years subscription to RTN has been cancelled by XFINITY without any notice and we can't get the answer to who and when has done that
  2. currently there're no packages that include RTN
  3. XFINITY is unable to add RTN "à la carte"

So bottom line is: we CAN NOT get our RTN channel back and everything that was stated in XFINITY Update above is not true: previous subscriptions were forcefully cancelled and new ones are not available.

Way to go, XFINITY ! - you just brought your usual pathological lies to all new level

P.S. oh yeah... and in the process of learning that NOTHING can be done, i was offered ("for only $10 more") an upgrade to Ultimate Package that allegedly includes RTN, which of course turned out to be false as soon as i checked it myself


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