1 Message
NEWSMAX missing
I tried to get to newsmax on xfinity stream this morning and got the message that there is a subscription for the channel. How come your prices keep going up and yet you take a conservative network off without additional money to your company? Pretty upsetting and then your automated customer service stinks. So much for xfinity
Official Employee
1.1K Messages
1 day ago
Hello, @user_zyi3z3 thank you for taking time to reach out to us over Xfinity Forums. You've contacted the right place for support, and would like to help with the Newsmax concern. We do have Newsmax available, you can check the availability to see what channel lineup it is associated with in your area by searching here: https://www.xfinity.com/support/local-channel-lineup.
After searching, if you see it should be included in your TV lineup and are still receiving the "need subscription" message please let me know, and I can troubleshoot with you.